Sick Day

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I know it's been a while since I have published anything and this story is me feeling bad for not publishing forever.

It was 6 Am when you woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Bucky lay next to you all rolled up in his covers making you smile. You decided that if you couldn't go back to sleep then you might as well start your day early. You got out of bed and got dressed to go on a run. Bucky rolled over in bed as you slipped on a sweat shirt and finished tying your running shoes. Your Golden Retriever Lucky must have heard you moving around because he showed up next to you finished tying your shoes, you decided to take him along with you, he needed to run off some energy before your day officially started.

You walked over to Bucky where he lay sound asleep, snoring softly as he did."I'll be right back." You whispered as you kissed his head and left him a little note on his bed side table, hoping you would get back before he woke up.

An hour later Bucky groaned as he rolled over in bed and tossed his covers off of himself. He placed the back of his hand on his sweaty forehead and opened his eyes." What the heck?" He asked himself as he sat up in bed. A sudden feeling of nausea fell over him causing him to stumble his way out of bed and to the bathroom where he then emptied the contents of his stomach in the toilet. He gasped and coughed as he crouched down in front of the toilet, one hand holding back his hair and the other on his thigh.

Bucky really didn't understand what was happening, he hadn't been sick in years, ever since he was injected with the super soldier serum he never got sick, especially with something as little as the conmen flu.

He sat there for a moment as he took a few breaths before leaning back on his heels. He took a hair tie from the counter and put his hair back before he puked for the second time.

It was 8 Am and you had just got back from your morning jog when Lucky ran down the hall to your room. You followed him to your room when heard Bucky in the bathroom."Bucky?" You called out as you walked into your bedroom and to the bathroom door way where you saw Bucky with his forearms resting on the toilet seat and his face downcast towards the bowl." Bucky what's wrong?" Bucky shook his head as he coughed more. You crouched down next to him and set your hand in his back.

In all the years you had known and been married to Bucky you had never seen him sick. For the few exceptions of when he would get motion sickness due to flying to missions or Steve taking him to Coney Island for payback when they were younger. But out of all those times it was temporary, he had never gotten the flu or any other sickness ever. So it was a very scary thing to see him sick, making you pray it wasn't something worse.

"How long have you been in here?" You asked once he was able to talk to you." Around seven I think." "Oh Bucky." You said, a devastated tone in your voice." I'm going to go get the nausea pills." Bucky nodded as you got up and quickly made your way to the kitchen. Your retriever fallowing you close behind.

Bucky sat back and tried to stand up, holding onto the counter top for guidance as he got to his feet. He turned on the water as he flushed the toilet. He splashed some water on his face to try and cool himself down, only ending up in him almost collapsing to the floor. He was going to try and hobble his way back to bed but you returned before he had the chance to even try.

"Sit down." You told him as he started to look a bit pale. He didn't really have anywhere to sit so he just sat on the floor and crossed his legs, you doing the same thing in front of him. You passed him a pill and held the glass of water you also brought in your hand waiting for him to take it." I hate pills." He said as he turned the little capsule of medicine in his hand." I know you do but that will help you not feels so bad." He took a deep breath and popped the pill in his mouth then taking the glass of water and washing it down.

He sighed and looked over at you, his face red with heat and his eyes droopy with sleep." Do you want to go back to bed?" He shook his head and leaned forward so his head could rest on your shoulder." I don't want to get there and just have to come back in here." You nodded and moved so he could hug you fully with his face snuggled against your neck. You placed your hand on the back of his head and ran your fingers through his hair, hearing him sigh as you did." Do you need anything else?" You asked right before he snored against your neck. You laughed and smiled." Men I swear."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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