Dating Bucky

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Dating Bucky would include......

Him going on long missions and you not being able to stand him being away

You going with him to his group sessions for ex military and helping him get away from his past

Enjoying sunny days by going on walks with him and even long drives into the country

Long night conversation where you both sit and talk while eating ice cream

Snuggle and cuddles after missions, usually on the jet back from missions

Heated make out sessions after arguments or when one of you has been gone for a long time

Bucky telling you he loves you all the time, no matter what situations you're in

Getting caught sleeping on the couch by one another

Being embarrassed when someone walks in on you and Bucky kissing or doing literally anything

Bucky being overprotective of you and never wanting you to go on missions alone

Him always holding your hand with his flesh hand and not his Vibranium one, saying that he would rather feel your hand in his then not

Going on camping trips in the yard of the avengers compound almost every weekend

Sitting in silence sometimes and seeing who can stay quiet for the longest

Bucky surprising you with random gifts like flowers, your favorite snacks, or chocolate

You doing your very best to help Bucky through his episode and when he has nightmares

Loving each other unconditionally no matter what happens to one another

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