Why Do You Hate Me? *

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" I don't have the time for this right now." You said as you walked passed Bucky and and out of Steve's office. Ever since you and Bucky were paird to go on missions together you started to have problems. Sure, he was a great soldier and he had saved you on multiple occasions and you had done the same to him but the fact was that you didn't get along with him at all. He annoyed you and acted like your older brother which you already had Thor, Scott, and Steve who did that but Steve was more of a dad then a brother. You just hated him so much that it started to affect the whole team, your arguing and fighting made everyone else lose focused when you were on missions. You didn't mean to do it but what else could you do when he was breathing down your neck all the time." Y/N, wait!" You heard Steve yell as he jogged down the hall to you." Go away, I am done with all this." You snapped at him." Let her go Steve, she obviously can't take much more." You spun around and glared at Bucky who was leaning against the hall wall with his arms crossed." Put a cork in it Barnes." You said back with a very mad tone of voice.
" Make me princess." He hissed back." Ok that's it, both of you." Steve yelled which made both of you jump." You, go pack your bags." He yelled at Bucky." And you do the same." You felt your heart stop.' Is he kicking me out?' You thought to your self as Bucky stood up and walked down towards where you and Steve were standing." But Steve." You said now a bit more sympathy in your tone." No, when you are done both of you meet me in the lobby." He stormed off leaving you and Bucky standing next to each other." Now look what you did." Bucky snapped as he looked at you." Shut up." You said as you turned and went to your room.

You walked out of your room and down the hall to the elevator with your backpack over your shoulder when Bucky walked up behind you." Come on." He wined as you both waited for the elevator. You heard a ding and Bucky pushed past you and walked into the elevator." Jeez thanks for using the ladies first rule." You said as you walked in and stood on the other side of the lift." Can you press the button?" He asked." It's literally right in front of you." You hissed back." Fine." He used his foot and pressed the button that would send you to the first floor. The ride down was quiet like it all ways was when you were together in a enclosed space like that. The door opened and you both pushed passed each other and walked over to were Steve told both of you to meet him." There you two are." He said from the front of the room." Ok, now that you are both here we need to get one thing strait." He said as you both sighed." On the ride neither of you better say one mean word to each other or I will leave you on the side of the road." He said." Wait, ride?" Bucky asked." Yep, now come on we will be late." You both groaned and fallowed him out of the front doors to a car that was waiting out side." Nope, get in the back." Steve said to you as you went to get into the passenger seat." Ugh fine." You pulled the back door of the car open and sat down next to Bucky." You two ready?" He asked from the front of the car. You both said yes and he pulled out onto the road." Steve where are you taking us?" You asked as you pushed Bucky away from you." You'll see." He said with a smirk.

After a short drive Steve pulled into a hotel that looked like it would be on the top ten best places to spend your honeymoon." What, no." You said as you looked out the car window." Yes." Steve said with a big smile." No, you aren't going to make us stay here are you?" Bucky asked just as concerned as you were." Get out." He said with a mean tone. Neither of you argued with him and got out of the car grabbing your backpacks and taking them with you. Steve got out with you and all three of you walked to the front desk." Hello." Steve said sweetly to the front desk employee." Do you have a reservation?" She asked." Yes, it should be under Rogers." He said." Yes you are right here. The one bed and bath right?" She asked." Yes." You and Bucky looked at Steve as he turned around with the room key in hand." Room 303 third floor. Have fun." He said as he handed Bucky the key." Wait Steve." You said as he walked away." Nope, see you two in three days." He said as he waved from behind." THREE DAYS!?" You and Bucky both said at the same time. Steve just smiled and walked back to his car.

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