Thanksgiving the Stark Way

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Ugh this is long, like really long. I got carried away a bit so sorry but I hope you like it.

" Where's the turkey?" You heard Pepper, your mom, ask from the kitchen." In the freezer." You yelled back as you set plaits on the dinning room table with Wanda." When are the guys getting back?" Hill asked as she walked in with napkins and glass cups." around two, hopefully." You told her. You stood back and looked at the table and smiled." Looks nice." Nat complemented as she walked behind you with a bowl of potatoes she was going to take to Pepper." Thanks, I think they will like it." You say back smiling as Wanda and Hill did the same." Can someone go to town and get salad dressing, we're all out." Pepper yelled." I'll go." Wanda said." I'll come with you." You told her, which she didn't decline." We'll be back." You said as you and Wanda walked to the front door after putting on your big puffy coats and boots, along with fluffy hats and gloves." Okay, don't take to long." Nat said as she walked out and gave you both hugs." I'll text you if we hear anything from the guys." You nodded and thanked her before leaving with Wanda.

Thanksgiving was one of the busiest times of the year for the Avengers. Which sounds odd but it was. There were a lot more people traveling, more family arguments then normal, and to top that, all of the underground organizations that were normally very quiet and low key took advantage of the busy season and did all of their dirty business then. Which was also a perfect time to catch said organizations red handed. Also meaning your loved ones being gone for the Holidays. You being a daughter of Tony Stark, you knew how to throw a party, so you decided to make this one of the best Thanksgivings ever, even better then the one the pilgrims had all those years ago. The one down side of that day was that your beloved boyfriend Bucky, and all the men, were gone on a mission to try and hunt down a Hydra scientist that had been experimenting on children in Russia. You wished Bucky could be there with you on this specials Holiday, but he had a job to do, and you had to respect that, even though you really just wanted him there with you.

You were walking around the grocery store when Wanda stopped in front of the baby clothing area." Look how cute this is." She said holding up a pair of little shoes in front of her." Awww, those are so small." You took the shoes from her and looked at them." Gosh this makes me want to have kids." You handed them back to Wanda who just smiled." I'm amazed you haven't yet, you and Buck seem pretty serious." You laughed as you put a bag of salad mix into the cart." Yes but not that serious yet." " So what your saying is you haven't even slept with him yet?" You glared at her and shushed her." Wanda we're in public." You told her." And no we haven't, we're waiting for marriage." She rolled her eyes but smiled." I get it, he did live in the nineteen forties." You nodded and kept walking around the store till you had all you needed for dinner.

" So..." Wanda said as she got in the car." Yes?" You asked as you started the car." You haven't even made out with him?" You groaned." Wanda, really?" You asked before pulling out of the parking lot." Yes, I need to know everything now." You sighed before answering her." What do you want to know?" You asked, keeping your eyes on the road." Are you and Bucky doing okay?" You almost ran a red light when she asked you that question." Yeah, why would you ask that?" You say back." Just because we're not having sex every night, or sexual towards each other doesn't mean we're having trouble in our relationship." She sat back and looked over at you." What?" You asked." You can tell me what's going on, I won't judge." You thought for a moment before answering her, trying your best to find the right words." I don't know." You say." We're fine though, you can count on that. But I do feel like something is missing. And it's not sex." You correct Wanda before she even had time to say anything." I want something to happen, but I don't know what. Like our relationship has hit a brick wall." You say as you parked the car in the garage under the Avengers compound." Oh, I see." Wanda said." I almost wish we would move forward and have a more, I don't know, mature relationship, but I don't want to do that yet. I promised to stay pure till marriage. I just want to marry the man already." You wine as you laid your head back on the seat." I know how you feel. I felt the same way when Vis and I started to have feelings for each other, and sure it's not the same as what you're going through but I too had to wait." You looked over at her and nodded." I'm glad I have you to talk to. Nat would just tell me to F him." Wanda laughed." Well that's what any girl would like to do to him, just saying, you scored girl." It was your turn to laugh this time." Thanks, I think." She took your hand and squeezed it." Don't rush it, I'm sorry I asked in the first place. Maybe things will be different when he gets back, he hasn't seen you in almost two months." You smiled at the thought of seeing him again." I hope so."

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