You doing alright?

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Warnings: This story has abuse and other added elements but nothing really bad.

You ran down the halls of your apartment your now ex boyfriend hot on your tail." Leave me alone!" You yell as he grabs your wrist and pulls you away from the door." NO!" He yells back, tears fell down your face as you saw his hand lift and swing in the direction of your face. The back of his hand hit you across the face, a feeling you had sadly gotten used to." John please stop." You begged as he dragged you back down the hall. He shoved you into your room and locked the door so you couldn't get out, you were laying on the floor, tears streaming down your face. You slowly got to your knees and crawled over to the door, you tried to open it but it was locked from the other side." John please. Just let me go." You sobbed, you sat next to the door and cried for what felt like hours, then you got an idea." Why didn't I do this months ago?" You asked yourself as he packed a bag full of cloths and things from inside your room. You zipped your backpack closed and made sure you got all the things from your bathroom and room you needed." Goodbye John." You said as you walked to the window in your room that led to the fire escape, you pushed the window open and crawled through it and made your way down the building. You could hear John open the door to your room which only made you go faster." Y/N!!!." You heard him yell. You made it to the last floor hoping he didn't see you. When you got to the ground you ran, you didn't know where you were going but anywhere that would get you away from John.

You had been dating John for seven months and abused for four of them. It had all been good in the beginning but then it all went to shit after he lost his job. You really didn't want to leave him but after he started to hurt you, you really didn't have a choice.

You ran down the street weaving through the mass of people hoping that John wasn't fallowing you. You hated New York, the only reason you moved here was to hopefully find a job as a book jacket writer but that dream ended when you met John, he was so controlling, you didn't notice it at first but after the first three months you really started to see who he truly was. You ended up at Centrale Park, not knowing where you were going to go or do, you found a park bench and just sat down and started to cry. It was four in the after noon, you were planning on getting out of your apartment before John got back from the new part time job he was working at down town, but he got laid off and he then took all his anger out on you which he did a lot. You could only do one thing, you pulled out your phone and called the only person you could trust." Please pick up." You said as you held your phone to your ear and listened to it ring." Hello?" You sighed in relief at the sound of his voice." Hey, Sebastian." You said trying to keep your voice from sounding like you had just been crying." You doing alright?" He asked with concern in his voice, then you felt a tear run down your face." No." You sobbed." Please tell me what happened." You took in a shaky breath trying to calm yourself down." I left John." Seb sighed which made you a bit tense." You did?" You nodded even though he couldn't see you." I couldn't stay with him anymore." " Tell me where you are, I am coming to get you." You looked up not looking for anything particular." What?" " Yep, where you at?" You looked around and tried to pull yourself together." Umm, not sure. I was just sort of walking around." You heard Seb chuckle." Ok, I will find you." You stood up and walked towards the road hoping that he would see you.

You walked down the sidewalk hoping that you would see Seb. Seb pull up next to the sidewalk and rolled down the window." Hey." He said with a smile." Hey." You managed to squeak out." Hop in." He said, you walked around the car and got into the passenger seat. You wiped a stray tear away from your face as he drove off." You ok?" He asked." Yeah, I am now." You sniffled, his hand found its way to your knee which made you flinch." Sorry." He said quickly as he pulled his hand back." No, its fine." You said as you ran your hand through you hair. The rest of the ride was quiet until Seb pulled into a parking lot that was nowhere near his apartment." Where are we?" You asked looking around the almost empty parking lot." Come on." He said getting out of the car." Seb." You asked as he shut his door and walked around to your side, he opened the door for you and held his hand out." Come on, trust me." You took his hand and you both walked to the small store that was in front of both of you. You walked in and soon found out that it was an ice cream shop.

" Hello." A woman said from behind the counter." What can I get for you two today?" She asked as she grabbed a ice cream scoop." Can you do a tub with two different flavors?" He asked as both of you stood in front of the glass. You looked down at all the different flavors there were as Seb talked to the woman." Yeah, what flavors?" Seb looked down with you as he looked for his favorite ice cream." Can I get cookie doe, and what do you want?" He asked as he looked over at you." Can I get chocolate fudge?" She nodded and pulled the sliding glass door on her side open. Within a matter of minutes she had the tub filled with both of your favorite ice cream flavors." Thank you." Seb said as he grabbed the now sealed tub of ice cream from her.
" Have a nice day." She said as both of you walked out of the store. You got back into his car holding the ice cream in your lap." Where to next?" He asked as he started the car." What?" You asked looking at him with a half smirk." You just had the worst day of your life, I am not just going to take you back to my place and have you cry while eating ice cream. Come on, where do you want to go?" You looked at the dash and smiled." I know this really cool movie store. We can go there and pick something out." You said looking back at him." Ok, sound like a plan."

You told Seb where to go and soon made it to the store. You walked up and down the isle of the shop looking for a movie to watch." Hey Seb." You said as he turned to you." Find something?" You held up a movie to Seb and watched as his face turned white." Why that one?" He asked as you giggled." I have been wanting to watch this for sooooooo long. Come on, please?" He sighed and took it from you." Ok fine, but only because you asked nicely." The movie you had picked out was one that Sebastian played in years ago. The name of the movie was The Covenant, and Sebastian always told you never to watch it, which only made you want to watch it more.

After you finely made it to his apartment and were getting ready to watch the movie you snuck into his room and found one of his hoodies." Y/N, what are you doing?" He asked after seeing you in his sweatshirt." I am cold, tiered, and depressed. Don't judge me." You sat on the couch next to him and grabbed a spoon that was placed next to the tub of ice cream." Ready?" He asked. You nodded then he played the movie. After a little bit you started to feel really sad, not because of the movie or anything around you but the fact that you had to leave John, you didn't want to go back to him it was the fact that Seb didn't know he was abusing you." Seb." You said as he shoved a spoon full of ice cream into his mouth." Hmm." He hummed in response." Can I tell you something?" You asked looking over at him." Yeah, anything." You took in a deep breath then pulled up the over sized hoodie you had on, you pulled up your shirt with it and pulled it over your head. Seb looked at you confused but then his face fell when he saw all the bruises on your back and chest." What the hell happened to you?" He asked as he got closer to you." John, John happened." You felt tears sting your cheeks as his hand ran up your back over all your cuts and bruises." He was hurting you, and you didn't tell me?" He asked softly." I couldn't, he would have killed me." You looked over at him and saw that he was crying too." Y/N, how long was he doing this to you?" You looked at your lap as you fiddled with your hands." Four months." You said quietly. He whimpered as your head shot back up to look at him. He was beyond crying now, he looked mad, his left hand clinched into a fist as his eyes met yours." Why didn't you tell me?" He asked again." Seb please don't get mad at me." You pleaded, then he saw how hurt you were.

He was frustrated and mad with himself. He never liked John but he never had the heart to tell you." I never liked him. If I had only kept you from dating him this wouldn't have happened." " No, Seb." You got closer to him and put your hand on the side of his face." This isn't your fault." He looked back to you, his ocean blue eyes now slightly red from him crying. He pulled you into a hug, one thing you had been missing." I won't let anyone ever hurt you again." He said into the side of your neck." I know you won't." You pulled away enough to make eye contact with him, then he did something you would have never expected. He kissed you. Not just a peck or a sloppy kiss, he really kissed you. John had never kissed you like this, all the times you had kissed John it felt forced as if he didn't want to kiss you. But this time, you could tell Seb wasn't just kissing you because he was trying to make you feel better, he truly wanted to kiss you, to feel you, and to let you know that he was going to be there for you no matter what. You pulled away, a little out of breath." What was that for?" You asked as he pulled you onto his lap." You aren't complaining now are you?" You could feel him smile as he rested his forehead on yours." Thank you." You whispered as your lips brushed against his." Anytime."

I really hope you like it <3

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