Not That Bad

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"It's really not that bad." Bucky told you from his seat on the kitchen counter." You're practically bleeding out on the table." You said, moving his right arm up so you could see the bullet skim that was the cause of all the blood." I'm fine, they barely got me." You pressed a warm cloth to the bloody slit on his side, making Buck inhale deeply." That stings." He wined." Then stop moving." You instructed. Bucky groaned at you, making you giggle." Hold that there, I'm going to go get the stitch kit." " Wait. You're going to poke me with needles?" Bucky asked as he raised an eyebrow at you." Well, someone has to, and we both know you won't."

He shook his head and smiled as he watched you walk down the hall to the bathroom in the small air BnB the two of you were staying in.

This was all the cause of one person, Karlie Morgenthau to be exact. During the fight in the shipment yard in Madripoor Bucky was shot, he didn't even realize it till after the fight. But just like clockwork he came up to you after you were in a safe place and asked through gritted teeth if you would help him with his wounds. And of course you said yes, how could you not when he would let his guard down around you, putting himself in such a venerable position.

"There wasn't a stitch kit, but I did find a sewing kit." " Oh good." You chuckled before taking a needle and holding it over a flame to disinfect it." Hold still. This might hurt." Bucky braced just before the needle in your hand pressed through his skin." And there you go, okay." Bucky said as he inhaled sharply." If I had given you a warning you would have pulled away." He gasped again as the string was pulled tight, closing his wounds partly." I'm going to pass out." You looked up as he started to slump forward." This is going to make you pass out?" You braced as you held him up, in hopes to keep him from falling on the kitchen floor." Bucky, you're about to make out with the floor." You quickly slung one of his arms around your neck and tried to lay him down on the table

"Dear lord you're heavy." You sighed once you got him partly laid down." Bucky." You said as you tapped the side of his face." JAMES!" You yelled but got no response from him." Might as well finish your side while you're out, because you won't move now." You giggled to yourself as you finished your stitch job on his side. After you had finished your somewhat decent job on him you pressed a gauze pad to the now sealed wound, keeping the blood in and the infection out. You sighed in success as you cleaned your hands free of blood and started to wipe the remanding blood off of him.

You heard him groan as you finished cleaning most of him off." About time you woke up." You joked." Did I actually pass out?" He asked as he looked around for a moment. You nodded and smiled down at him." You did. Bucky the feared assassin passed out because of a needle." He rolled his eyes before running his hand over his face." That's the first time that's ever happened." He told you." Wait, are you telling me you passed out just because I was the one with the needle?" He nodded as a smirk appeared on his lips." Ya, pretty much." "Thanks for the encouragement there." You told him with a laugh.

You finished cleaning him off as much as you could then you made sure there were no more holes in him anywhere. Bucky chuckled as he saw your face scrunched in concentration." What?" You asked as you looked up at him." Nothing." He answered but still had a smug smile on his face. You crossed your arms and raised an eye brow at him." You're still smiling though." His smile got bigger as he held you closer to him." Just that I like the faces you make when you're concentrating." You smiled and shook your head." Why?" He shrugged but didn't drop his smile." I don't know, it's cute." "Cute huh?" He laughed and nodded." Yeah, it's cute."

You tried to ignore Bucky's stare but it was almost impossible to." I can't concentrate with you staring at me." "Oh that's too bad." He told you with a smirk." Barnes I swear." You started with a laugh." What? Am I distracting you that much?" You pressed on his side making him gasp suddenly as you just smiled." Yes, you are." He frowned at you." Am I free to go doctor?" He asked after you had backed away from him a little." Almost. Just one more thing." You took his chin in your hand and pulled his face to yours kissing him softly. His hands found your hips as he pulled you closer for a moment.

You pulled apart and smiled up at him." What was that for?" He asked quietly, his annoying attitude completely gone now." For being such a good patient." You pecked his cheek and pulled away from him." I should get hurt more often if that's going to happen every time." He smiled at you making you shake your head." If you do there won't be much to take care of." He hopped off the counter top and stood behind you." Yeah but you wouldn't mind." You started to smile as his hands went around your waist." No?" You turned around to face him placing your arms around his neck." Nope, I'm positive." You giggled and kissed him one last time." Now get out of here before Sam walks in." You waved him off." Thank you." He said as he walked out with his shirt in hand." That man is going to be the death of me I swear."

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