Halloween With The Stans

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"Seb come on, we're going to be late." You wined as you knocked on the bathroom door." Be patient, my wig is disagreeing with me." You sighed and walked over to your bed, sitting down as you pulled out your phone.

It was late Saturday night, you and Sebastian were going to Chris's for a Halloween party he was hosting. It wasn't officially Halloween yet but Chris decided to have it a day early so everyone else could enjoy the actual day with their families, which was what you and Seb were going to do. After waiting for what felt like forever Seb finely came out of the bathroom, and he wasn't wrong about his wig." I look like if Loki was on drugs." He pouted as he looked over at you." Calm down, let me help you. He smirked as you hopped off the bed and walked towards him." You look good." He told you, looking you up and down as you walked over to him." Why thank you." You smiled back. You had decided after a long debate between your oldest daughter Chelsie, who happened to be six, that you had to go as her favorite superhero. So here you were dressed as Scarlet Witch, wig and all. Chelsie and Tommy both agreed that Sebastian had to go as Loki, there were no questions about it. So he did." It won't stay on." He told you as he took the wig off." Let me see it." You took the wig from him and flipped it upside-down before placing it back on Sebastian's head. You took the helmet from him and set it on his head, moving parts of the hair behind his ears to make sure it would stay." There, it should stay now. Just don't go moving your head around to fast." Seb chuckled." I'll try my best." You kissed his cheek before you both walked out of your room.

" Be good for your aunty while we're gone ok, I'm looking at you Tommy." You pointed at your four your old son who was laying on the floor playing with his trucks." I will." He answered, not looking up from his toys." Bye mommy." Chelsie told you as she ran and gave you a hug." You look so pretty." She told you after pulling back from your hug." Thank you so much, I did have the best helper in the world pick out my costume." She giggled and gave you another hug." Where's my hug?" Seb asked making Chelsie pull back from you and run to Seb." I love you too daddy." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her back." Love you too sweet pea." It was then that Tommy looked up from his toys and caught a glimpse of Sebastian's costume." Wow, dad. You look so cool." The little boy announced, walking over to him." Thanks bud, I feel cool." " Oh, you almost forgot." Tommy ran to his room then came back with Loki's scepter in his hand." Oh, how did I forget." Seb took it from him before Tommy hugged Seb's leg." You too have fun okay." Your friend called out from the couch she was seated at, holding your six month old baby Julia in her arms." We will, have fun." After you and Seb had hugged everyone and kissed Julia good bye you made it to the car that was waiting for you down stairs." I wonder what Chris decided to dress up as?" You shrugged and leaned over and set your head on Sebastian's shoulder as the car drove down the road." Not sure, but I know for a fact that he will probably look way worse then us." Seb chuckled and kissed the top of your head." I don't doubt that." He told you, smiling as you took his left hand in yours and played with the black and sliver lined wedding band on his finger.

The car stopped and you both got out after thanking the driver. You looked up at the building and to the floor you knew was Chris's. There were lights flashing all different colors and people dancing around." Looks like they started the party without us." You said as Seb took your hand and you both walked to the doors." This is Chris Evens we're talking about, what did you expect?" You laughed and looped your arms around his. You both walked out to the elevator and down the hall to Chris's apartment, the door was opened before you even had time to knock.

" Hey. The Stan's are here!" Anthony announced as he gave you a big hug." You look amazing." He told you as you spun in front of him." Thank you. You look amazing too." Anthony looked down at his costume and smiled. He was decked out from head to toe in gold plates. His mask pulled up so his face was visible." You look like a walking disco ball." Seb said, laughing as Anthony gave him the death glare." I'm C-3PO, come on, I worked hard on this." Seb hugged his friend." I'm kidding, you look awesome." " And you, your majesty." Anthony did a little bow after seeing Seb was dressed as Loki." Prince of Mischief." Seb just laughed along with you and shook his head." Where's Chris?" You asked, looking around the crowd of people." I'm surprised you haven't spotted him already. He sticks out like a soar thumb." You looked around the crowd again then your eyes landed on the tall blond. He was dressed as Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings, sword and all." There he is." You said, pointing at him so Sebastian could see." Come on." You said, taking his hand and leading Sebastian through the waves of people, Anthony not far behind.

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