Happy Little Accident

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This is what y'all get after me being inactive for the past few weeks, a freaking 2550 word fic. Enjoy

You had been part of the Avengers for over three years when you found out. How you let this happen is beyond you, but it did and now you were paying the consequences. You had been living in the tower for two years, and had got to know everyone very well over that time. But one person made an effort to get to know you better then everyone. Being an ex assassin and a Hydra pawn for years Bucky found a connection with you, more then any one else he had ever known. You were both damaged and over coming your pasts, and that led to lots of late night talks and early morning coffees together. Then one night that all changed. One kiss led to more and now you found yourself in a rather big pickle.

You were pregnant, and Bucky was the father. No one in the compound knew that you and Bucky started to be more then friends with each other. Then after one fateful night and two weeks later you found yourself looking down at two red lines. Your world felt like it was crashing down, but Bucky was there to rebuild it. You were so scared, you couldn't have a kid. You were only twenty three, and now that you were pregnant, and with Bucky none the less, you couldn't be part of the team. You had been fighting yourself on what to do for weeks, then you and Bucky came up with an idea.

"I can't do this anymore." You said as you let your fake tears fall down your face." You can't just leave. We need you." Steve said as you looked at your lap. You noticed your slightly extended baby bump was showing through your leggings, you smiled but quickly hid it before looking back up at Steve and Tony." I need time to think. I'm going to my parents for a few months. You don't have to tell everyone else right away, but I really need to think about all this for a while." Tony sighed and looked at Steve." This doesn't have to do with anyone does it?" Tony asked. You didn't know how to answer him. Yes it did but they couldn't and can't know that." No, it's just me. After I left Hydra I have been more then thankful for all that you have done for me. But now that I am free of my past, I don't know if this is something I want to keep doing. I don't want to be a weapon anymore."

You weren't lying. You did want to be done, but after you found out you were expecting it really forced you to decide. You didn't want to leave, but you were already two months along and you didn't want to risk losing yours and Bucky's future child." How long is a few months?" Steve asked." Ten, maybe more." Steve sighed and leaned back in his chair." I respect your choice, I really do. This type of life isn't for everyone, and with your past now behind you it makes sense for you to want a different life." You nodded and wiped your tears away." I have enjoyed every minute of the time we've spent together. I couldn't have asked for a better family." Tony sniffled and looked away." Are you crying?" You asked Tony with a little laugh." No, my eyes are just sweating." Steve laughed and looked over at him." Sure they are pall." He patted his shoulder before looking back at you." I'm guessing you've told Bucky." You nodded." He was the first to know." " Did he take it well?" You nodded again." Yeah, he understood, and we will keep in touch, just like I will with all of you." He smiled." I'll see you out."

You walked to the front doors, your suitcase and backpack being carried by Steve. When you made it to the doors you saw Bucky standing there, he had a black box in his hand as he looked up at you and Steve." I'll give you a moment." Steve said as he set your things down." Thanks." He hugged you before walking back to the living room. Bucky took a step closer to you as you did the same." This is for you." You smiled and took the box from him. You slowly opened it to see a beautiful silver necklace that had three diamonds hanging from it, two smaller ones while the larger one hung in the middle." Oh Bucky, this is beautiful." He smiled and took it out of the box before placing it around your neck. He clasped it at the back of your neck before stepping back to look at it. You ran your fingers along the chain and smiled." I'm guessing it's supposed to resemble our family." He nodded." I wanted something subtle but beautiful. And this caught my eye." You smiled at him as he stood in front of you." Thank you. I love it." He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, one that you gladly excepted.

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