Try Me

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  I made this a while ago and it's been sitting in my drafts for like literally a year and I didn't realize it was finished. So since I feel bad for not publishing stuff recently here y'all go 😂

" Give me all you got." " I plan to." The room was silent, no one dared talk in fear of being yelled at or thrown out of the room. You could cut the tension with a knife, a dull knife would even do." Come on, show me what you got." The sound of cards shuffling could be heard before a hand was laid on the table, showing a Full House. There were a few gasps and hushed whispers before he spoke" I believe this is mine." He went to grab the pile of chips in the middle of the table but was stopped when Bucky dropped his hand on the table." Royal Flush. Sorry but not this time Sam." Sam groaned and everyone else cheered." Round for everyone." Bucky announced after collecting his loot and standing up.

"Wow, who would have known a hundred year old man would be so good at poker." Tony joked as he gave Bucky a pat on the back. Bucky just shrugged and smiled before looking over to see you smiling at him. He walked over to you with the same smile on his face." Does this mean I won the bet?" He asked placing his hand on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck." Depends, I still have to play." He chuckles before letting you connect your lips together with his.

"Get a room!" You heard Tony yell. You both pulled away laughing." That's what I was planing on doing." Bucky tells you making you blush a deep crimson red." Stop, we're in public." You joke pulling your arms away from his neck only to take his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together with his." Alright, ladies turn." Sam says as he sat at the table to deal cards to Nat, Wanda, Hill, and you." Looks like I have to go." You tell Bucky, faking a sad face." Go get em tiger." He told you before kissing your cheek." I'm calling the Police, you can't be that cute here." Clint joked as you walked away from Bucky and took a seat next to Wanda.

You had been playing for what felt like forever when you finely got a good hand. You looked around the table and studied everyone closely, Nat was casually moving cards around in her hand, Wanda was moving some chips in front of her while Hill sat back looking at the others just like you were." Alright, I'm in." Nat says tossing three Green Chips into the middle. You followed and tossed three in as did Wanda and Hill. Nat set her hand down and you all sighed." Four of a kind." She smiled. Hill set her hand down next revealing a flush and Wanda had a full house, now that just left you." And you Y/N, what do you have hidden up your sleeve?" Hill asked, you sighed, still trying to play off the fact that you were going to win. You set your hand down and once you did you couldn't hide your smile." Straight Flush, looks like you're out of luck this time Nat." The guys clap as you sat back in your chair smiling." How did you get a straight flush?" Nat asked, her eyes scanning over your cards." Luck I guess." You smile." You didn't cheat did you?" Nat asked." If I did Sam would have yelled at me, or Tony, which ever would have come first."

After your triumph you found your way back in Bucky's arms. Even though you were married to the man you couldn't get enough of him, he made you weak and vulnerable in all the best ways." Ok, either you two need to go and get yourselves a room or stop being so damn cute around us." Nat said as Bucky kissed your neck and hugged you from behind." Can't help it. It's a married people thing." Bucky said as he smiled over at Nat. She rolled her eyes but still laughed. You looked up at Bucky as he rubbed your waist with his thumbs. Thank Odin himself no one noticed you hadn't been drinking all night, someone, most likely Natashia, would get suspicious of why. You didn't drink that much anyway so it wasn't that noticeable that you weren't. But if Bucky kept touching your lower belly and being so affectionate towards you it was bound to happen that one of them was going to ask. Yes, you were pregnant, had been for almost two months. You and Bucky were planning on announcing your upcoming child when the time seemed right, that time hadn't come up yet, sadly. You would have to tell them some time though, sooner the better, you didn't want to tell them before you had to go on a mission, or when you were on one.

"I won the bet." You told Bucky which made him smile." Does that mean we can tell them?" He whispered to you. You nodded and smiled. You turned back to everyone as Bucky took your hand in his. Just when you were about to get everyone's attention Tony did first." If I could have everyone's attention." He said as Pepper stood next to him." I just want to say that you all did great on our last mission, and I am going to sue Y/N and Bucky for wining both rounds of poker." Everyone laughed as you looked up at Bucky who was smiling almost as big as when you told him you were pregnant." Pepper and I have an announcement." He started. You felt Bucky's hand tighten around yours as Tony spoke on." We're getting married!" You smiled brightly as everyone congratulated them." You stole my thunder Tony." You spoke up." And why is that?" Tony asked looking over at you and Bucky." Because Buck and I were about to announce something too." You said as Buck nodded. You looked up at Bucky as he looked down at you and smiled before looking back to everyone." We're having a baby!" You and Bucky said together." You're pregnant?" Wanda asked as her shocked face went to a smiling one." Yep." You smiled at her." No way, the Emo dude is having a kid?" Sam asked which made Bucky glare over at him. After everyone had congratulated you and Buck and Tony and Pepper everyone had a drink, except for you of course.

"Well tonight was full of surprise." Thor said as he draped and arm around yours and Bucky's shoulders." Pepper and Tony are finely tying the knot, your pregnant, and Bucky can play a mean game of poker." You all laughed and smiled at one another. It truly had been a night full of surprises.

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