Buckys First Christmas

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Art by Nixakimbo

" Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop, mistletoe hung where you can see, every couple tries to stop."

The song filled the air as you stood in front of the Christmas tree in yours and Bucky's apartment. Bucky was somewhere in the storage room going through box after box trying to find the Christmas lights he swore he remembered packing into the U-hall trailer when you moved from the compound.

You sat down on the couch and rubbed a hand over your slightly extended belly, laughing when you heard Bucky say something in Russian from down the hall." Don't be cussing just because you can't find the lights!" You yelled at him." But I can't find them!" He yelled back." Maybe you didn't pack them."

You got off the couch and walked down the hall to the open closet and peered in to see Bucky sat on the floor with half opened boxes all around him." My lord." You laughed as you put a hand over your mouth to hide your smile." Oh be quiet." Bucky answered laughing too." I'm trying okay." He told you, his shoulders slumping as he looked up at you." It's fine, we can always go get more, it's not like all of New York is out of Christmas lights." He nodded and stood up stepping over boxes to get out of the closet.

"I just, I don't know, want everything to be perfect I guess." He told you as he took your hands in his." It doesn't have to be, you know that right?" He nodded and met your gaze with his." I haven't celebrated Christmas in years, and for my first one being free of hydra being shared with you." You silenced him with a peck on the lips." I'm not to worried about it, but we can make it as perfect as you want it to be." He nodded and smiled." We can watch all the Christmas movies you want and get sick off of hot coco and gingerbread, maybe even string popcorn if you want to." He laughed and shook his head." I'll forgo that part. But we can do all those other things, besides the popcorn thing." You giggled and nodded." Sounds like a plan."

You and Bucky had been dating for seven months and engaged for three. And four weeks after he proposed to you, you found out you were expecting. Bucky was so excited that you were starting a family that you both decided to move off of the Avengers compound and into the suburbs of New York City.

That was two months ago, and you couldn't be happier. It was around the end of November that you started to notice that Bucky was super excited about Christmas. He was like a little kid, counting down the days till he could decorate the house and set the tree up, and you didn't mind. How could you really? This was Bucky's first real Christmas, away from Hydra, wars, and the confinement of his own mind. You were more than happy to see him this way, but also a little sad that it took him this long to actually enjoy the holiday fully. He has been free of hydra for almost eight years, and he had never once celebrated the holiday with Sam, or any of the other Avengers.

You were just glad he could now, even if that meant he was a bit of a perfectionist when it came to decoration.

You were in your room putting on a pair of fuzzy socks when Bucky walked in with his jacket on and a grey beanie on his head." Need help there?" He asked after seeing you struggle to put your socks on. You were so surprised at how just being pregnant for about two months caused you to lose the ability to bend over all the way, you could barely put your shoes on now." Yes please." Bucky walked over to where you sat at the end of the bed and kneeled in front of you, taking your fluffy red socks and slid them onto your feet before placing your boots on you and tying them tightly.

He then took your hands and helped you up from your seat. You walked down the hall with Bucky and took your heavy grey jacket off the coat hook along with your white knitted beanie. After you were all bundled up Bucky opened the door for you and you both walked out into the cold evening air. You walked down the sidewalk towards the hardware store you knew had Christmas lights, passing by shop windows on the way that were decorated for the festive season.

Bucky smiled as he took your gloved hand in his." I love Christmas." You looked up at him as he continued to look at the displays." Me too." You answered with a smile that he didn't see." Is that snow?" You asked after you saw what looked to be white fluff coming from the sky." Yeah, it is." Bucky chuckled. It was the first time it had actually snowed, and it was mid-December, and you got to experience it firsthand.

You crossed the street and quickly entered the hardware store as the snow came down harder." It's really coming down out there ain't it!" You and Bucky both looked up as a older man approached the register." Yes, it is." You said as Bucky nodded in agreement." Well, what can I help the two of you with?" "We're looking for Christmas lights, in hopes you weren't already out." You said as you walked over the man, Bucky following you closely." I think we sold all the ones on the shelves today, but I'll check the back for ya." He walked away from the register and disappeared into the back of the store.

"Gosh I hope he has some." You hummed in response as you looked around the store then up at Bucky." What?" He asked after seeing you looking up at him with a smile." Nothing, just thinking." He chuckled and turned to face you." And what might you be thinking of?" You looked away for a moment before gaining the words to say and returning your gaze on Bucky's blue eyes." Just that you're here, out with me, in almost the middle of the night looking for Christmas lights because we're finally celebrating Christmas together. Makes me happy to see how far you've come." You could see a light red tint highlight Bucky's cheek's as he smiled and looked away out of embarrassment, only making your smile brighter." You're too good for me you know that?" Bucky asked, looking back at you for a moment." I know, but what would you do without me?"

"I think I found some!" You both looked away and to the familiar voice." I got three different kinds for ya." You turned away from Bucky and to the counter as the man laid out your options. You ended up buying three packs of the blue LED kind of lights, ones that didn't get hot or let off too much blinding light, and they matched the theme you had going. You both thanked the man as you walked towards the doors." Have a good night, and Merry Christmas!" You waved at him and returned the goodbye.

"Well, I call that a complete success." You said as Bucky took your hand in his again." I agree." You suddenly realized how much snow was on the ground, it had been snowing nonstop since you entered the hardware store, and it had been really building up." Do you think we could make a snowman out of this?" Bucky asked after also noticing the white fluff on the ground all around you." If you want too, sure." He smiled to himself as you continued to walk home.

Once back in your warm house you finished the decorations on the tree and setting up some of the garland above the fireplace, then you got all snuggled up on the couch after putting on the matching Pjs you had bought for Bucky and yourself." It looks amazing in here." You looked over the couch at Bucky as he walked in with mugs in both hands." Well, I think we did a good job." He nodded as he handed you a mug and sat down next to you on the couch, the movie you had both picked out just starting. You blew cold air on the hot chocolate Bucky had gotten you, a few marshmallows floating in the dark brown liquid." What's this movie called again?" Bucky asked as he tossed a blanket over both of you, causing you to move closer to him and cuddle against his side.

"A Wonderful Life, I think you'll like it." He placed his left arm around your waist pulling you close to him. You smiled happily as his hand absentmindedly ran across your baby bump, soothing the aches you would get there from the newly developing stretch makers. You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder as the movie went on. Bucky was pleasantly surprised that the whole movie was in black and white, almost bringing back a part of him he thought was gone. It reminded him of Christmas back in the 30s, when him and Steve were just little kids, before the war, and before all the pain started.

You sat through the whole movie, Bucky barely said a word, almost as if he forgot he could. When the credits rolled, he looked down at you as you moved a little to lookup at him." Did you like it?" You asked sleepily. He nodded and smiled." Yes, I did." He moved and pressed a kiss to your lips softly, making you sigh contently." I can tell this is going to be a great first Christmas." Bucky said after slowly pulling back from the kiss." And cheers to many more." You both laughed before calling it a night, and Bucky could cross off another day until Christmas.

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