Unplanned Sleepover: Part 1*

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*Smut warning, very terribly written smut but still*

You were sitting on your living room floor facing your TV with a old Nintendo controller in your hand. You were playing Mario bros, the original version. You were fighting Bouser when you heard a knock on your front door. " Aw shit." You said as Bouser threw a fire ball at you, making you lose your last life. You stood up and walked to your door. You unlocked the bolt lock and opened it to see your friend Sebastian standing on the other side." Hey." You said with a smile." Hey, mind if I come in?" You stepped aside and he walked into your apartment." What brings you around here this late?" You asked Seb after shutting the door behind him." I was board and since we haven't hung out in a while I thought that we could tonight." He said as he looked around your living room." Is that a Nintendo?" Seb asked, interrupting your train of thought." Uh, yeah." He sat down in front of your TV and looked over at you." Can we play?" You giggled and walked over to him." Yeah if you want to." You plugged in the extra controller you had and started the game.

You and Sebastian had been friends for almost three years, you were Chris Evens little sister, causing for a sort of awkward situation between you and Chris when you first started to tag along with him and Sebastian. When you first met Seb he was filming Captain America: The first Avenger with your brother, so one day you tagged along with Chris and hung out on set. You were only Seventeen at the time, so there was a very large age gap between you and Seb. But after you met him and got to know him more you found out that he was actually a very fun and personal guy. You could go to him and vent when ever you needed to complain about your brother or random stuff. After you got into collage it was like the age gap just disappeared, and you were all here for it, now you and him did everything together. But you made it a very secretive relationship, you didn't want your brother finding out you were hanging out with his best friend all the time. Not like you two did anything bad, your relationship wasn't sextual at all, even though you sort of wished it was.

The two of you played back and forth for almost three hours when you made it to Princess Peach's castle." Can you just die already?" Seb wined as he laid his head on the couch." No, I'm almost there." You told him as a smile lifted the corners of your lips." It's been forever." He sat up and looked over at you. You could feel his stare on you, it almost made you lose focus." Stop staring at me." You told him with out breaking your gaze on the TV. He moved closer to you, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck." Seb." You giggled as you moved away from him." I need to focus." He chuckled and looked at the TV." Oh, be careful. Watch out, don't get hit. Oh no." He said loudly as you played." SHUT UP!" You yelled." NO!" He yelled back, matching your tone of voice. He then proceeded to grab the controller from you." SEBASTIAN!" You yelled as he held the controller above his head." It's my turn." He told you." No it's not. Give it back Seb." You reached for the controller but he just moved further away from you." Give it!" He tossed the controller away from both of you when you tackled him." No." You said as he grabbed you and flipped both of you over so you were under him." Let me go." You demanded. He held your hands above your head with one of his hands and tickled you with the other." SEEEEBBB!" You yelled as he tickled your sides." Y/N!" He yelled back." I can't breath." You said between laughs. He started to laugh too, breaking his straight face into a bright smile." Ok, fine." He stopped tickling you but didn't get off of you." Where is my controller?" You asked looking above you." Don't know, it's gone now."

You looked up at him and it was then that you realized how close he was to you. You looked into his deep blue eyes, almost getting lost in them. He didn't say anything, he just looked down at you, his hair slightly messy from your tickle fight. You had never been this close to him, the tip of your nose was practically touching his." Hi." You finely said after the two of you looked at each other for a minute." Hey." He said back in an almost seductive voice, sending chills all over your body." Are you going to let me go?" You asked, still looking into his eyes." Not sure if I want to." That sent you over. You weren't sure what he meant but you liked it." Why not?" You asked, he just chuckled." Because I like being this close to you." With out another word you put your one free hand around his neck and brought your lips to his, connecting them together. You weren't sure if he wanted this, but you knew you did. You went to pull away from the kiss but Sebastian caught your lips again, kissing you a bit harder, and deeper. It was perfect.

When you finely pulled away from each other, neither one of you said anything. You were at a loss for words. You finely looked up at him to see he was already looking at you. You had a pit in your stomach. ' What if he didn't like that?' You asked yourself as you bit your lip." What was that for?" Seb asked. You blushed and shrugged." I don't know." He smiled at how shy you were being all of a sudden. You were never like this around him, but after what just happened you had every right to be." I liked it." He whispered, catching you off guard." You did?" You asked, you could feel your heart start to beat faster when he nodded." I did." He leaned in closer to you, brushing his lips over the side of your face." Do you want to do it again?" You shuddered at the deep sound of his voice in your ear." Yes." You practically moaned. You could feel him smile before he pressed a kiss to your neck. Your eyes fell closed as he kissed down your neck, to your shoulder. You inhaled sharply when he kissed your collarbone. He brought his lips back to yours kissing you passionately, making you melt under him. You ran your hands under the edge of his shirt and up chiseled abs to his chest. He sighed at the feeling of your hands on him. He let you pull his shirt off, revealing his toned chest. His lips met yours again desperately, causing you to moan against him. His hands were all over you, in your hair, on your hips, waist, and sides. He couldn't get enough of you.

He pulled your shirt off not long after his had been removed, leaving you only in shorts and a bra. All that was running through your head was how this was real. It felt real, but it couldn't possibly be real, could it? Just as Seb was about to unclip your bra you heard a tone come from your TV, indicating that you had died on the game. You pulled away from him slightly, he rested his forehead on yours, both of you breathing heavily." You made me die." You whispered. He smiled." Sorry." You giggled and looked up at him." Are you happy now?" You asked, running your hand through his hair." Yes, very happy." You smiled before he kissed you again. His fingers traced patterns along your hips and sides as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him. He unclipped your bra, sliding it off of you so now you were both evenly dressed.

You could feel how eager Sebastian was getting. His kisses were getting harder, deeper, and sweeter. Seb bit your bottom lip, making you gasp so he had access to your mouth. You felt his tongue wonder your mouth, pressing his against yours. You moaned into it when you felt his body press onto yours. It all felt right, the weight of his body on your, the way his hands brushed against your skin so lightly and roughly at the same time. Just when things started to get even more interesting then they already were you both heard the front door open. Seb pulled away from you as you took a deep breath.

" What was that?" Seb asked." Y/n!" You froze. It was Chris." Shit, it's Chris." Before either one of you could move from where you were Chris walked in on you.


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