Sleepless Nights

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Just a warning that this story has a flashback in it that contains a light amount of gore. That is only at the beginning, you have been warned

Bucky was laying on his bed, after the long day he only wanted to sleep, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. He tried anyway. He shut his eyes and he drifted off to sleep. He was sleeping peacefully for a full twenty minuets when it happened. The scene was clear as day. He was laying in the snow, he was freezing, the feeling of pain shot up his left arm. As he went to look down two men grabbed him and started to carry him out of the snow and away. He was laid on a table. A man in a lab coat took his shirt off and injected him with something. He was laying on the table, as a man came up to him, he took a knife and started to cut at his left arm. He screamed but no one cared, he started to pass out from the pain but even when he was passed out he could still feel the pain. He woke up, His face was covered in sweat, his whole body was trebling, he just rolled over as tears fell down his face.

He was curled up in a ball, laying on his bed crying. He was trying his best to pull himself together through out the day, but always failed when the night came, and the darkness invaded his every thought. He was quietly sobbing into his hands, his chest was heavy and his breathing was stuttered. The only thing that was in his mind was pain, all he felt was pain. He just wanted to sleep and not be tormented by what the night held, what his own mind was going to do to him if he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He couldn't make his head stop yelling at him, all he could do was lay there and listen to it replay all the pain he had gone through, and was still trying to escape from. The door to his room slowly opened, and you peeked inside. You felt so sad seeing him like this, tears lined your eyes as you looked at him. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and nothing else. He looked cold but had a thin layer of sweat over his back and arms. You pulled yourself together and took a step into his room. You slowly walked to his bed and stood next to it. He was shaking, his whole body trembling as he sobbed. You went to touch him but were afraid he would snap and hurt you, which was one thing he did often whenever Steve would come to help him. But Steve wasn't here, you were, and you needed to help him.

It was almost one AM, you couldn't sleep like most nights. You were laying on your bed, reading a book on your phone when you heard it, the muffled sobs of Bucky coming from the room next to you. You waited to hear Steve's footsteps walking down the hall and going into his room but never heard them. Then you remembered. Steve wasn't here, he was out on a mission, leaving Bucky alone to deal with his demons. You quickly jumped off of your bed and went straight to his room. After opening his door and looking in you had managed to make it to his bed side. You were hesitant on touching him, in fear that he would snap and hurt you. But you couldn't leave him like this, so you reached for his back and lightly set your hand on it. He flinched at your touch, causing you to pull away. You decided to kneel down in front of him, his eyes were shut, tears streaming down his face." Bucky." You whispered as you touched the side of his face." Bucky, you need to wake up."

His eyes fluttered open and he looked at you, his slightly red eyes holding so much pain and fear." You're alright, nothing is going to hurt you, I'm here for you." You told him, trying to get him to calm down." I was so cold." He whispered." I- I didn't know what to do, they took me and-" He let out another sob and closed his eyes." Bucky, look at me." He opened his eyes again, looking back into your eyes." You're safe, no one is going to get you." He didn't say anything, just looked at you." Do you need a hug?" You asked. He nodded and sat up. You instantly sat down next to him and wrapped your arms around him. He buried his face into your neck as he tried to breath." I was so scared." He whispered into your neck." I know you were, but you're safe now." You ran your hand through his hair, trying to calm him down. He was now practically sitting on your lap, his arms wrapped around your waist as your arms stayed around his neck." I could feel everything, all of it." He said into your neck." It hurt so much, I couldn't get away from it." You just sat and listened to him as he described his dream to you." They took me an- and hurt me, they were trying to take my arm." You stopped him from telling you more, you couldn't imagine what he had been through and you didn't need him to relive his pain.

His breathing became more smooth and he wasn't crying anymore." Are you going to be ok?" You asked as he pulled away from the hug. He nodded and smiled at you." Thank you." He said softly.
" Anything for my favorite old person." He chuckled and wiped away a few tears on his face." If you need me again you know where to find me." You told him as you got off of his bed.

You walked out of his room and to yours, but before you closed the door Bucky stopped you from closing it." Can I stay with you?" He asked shyly. You smiled and nodded." Yeah, come on in." He hesitated for a moment but walked in after you had sat down on your bed. He stood next to your bed, not sure what he should do." Come on." You said patting the bed next to you. He laid down next to you, making sure to leave room between both of you." Where is Steve?" Bucky asked." He is on a mission, he left not long before I heard you." He sighed." I'm sorry for waking you." "Don't be, I wasn't even asleep." He looked over at you." Thank you, again." You looked over at him and returned the smile." Anytime." You took his hand and held it for a bit before he slowly started to fall asleep. You shuffled over to him and curled up into his side. Wrapping your arms around his chest." What are you doing?" He asked." Falling asleep in your arms." You told him. He hugged you back and rested his head on top of yours." Good night Buck." You whispered into his chest." Good night Y/n." He whispered back. You felt his chest rise and fall with his breathing and heard the soft sound of his heart beating as you laid your head on his chest. Everything in that moment was perfect. Bucky finely got to sleep, and you slept curled up in his arms. And from that night on, you and Bucky spent every night together, whether he had a nightmare or not, you were there asleep next to him, or on him. Making sure he knew he was safe and that you were there.

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