Bucken Buck

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Song I Ain't Worried: by OneRepublic

Bucky could see his breath as he made his way up the fog covered hill towards the small two story farm house just ahead of him. He looked down at himself for the millionth time and shook his head. He was covered head to toe in cow afterbirth. His thick flannel jacket was soaked with once warm water he had used to revive the calf he saved. He smelled awful and he knew you would have some choice words to say if he slid back into bed looking and smelling the way he did.

He walked up the front steps onto the porch before he slid his boots off of his numb feet. Even though it was September the weather in Montana didn't seem to care what season it was, it would frost no matter the time of year.

Bucky slid through the door, hoping to keep as much warm air inside the house as possible. He took his jacket off and tossed it to the floor along with his pants and shirt, his socks came off after leaving him only in his boxers. He walked up the stairs quietly and crossed the hall to the bathroom in need of a very hot shower.

You heard the water turn on as you rolled over in bed. Bucky had left that morning to check on the heifer in the barn, she was a first time mom and Bucky was worried that she was going to have trouble calving. And to the sounds of the running water she did. You rolled back over and tried to get some more sleep before your early morning started. If one cow had her calf, that only meant the rest would be on their ways too.

You were on the boarder of sleeping and being awake when you heard the floor boards creak. You looked over your shoulder at Bucky who had a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. His hair was still wet, drips of water falling from strands around his face as he searched for clothing in the dark room." You can turn on the light if you need it." Bucky jumped before turning around to look at you." Did I wake you up?" You nodded and giggled." Yeah, you did." His shoulders slumped as he apologized to you." I was trying not to." You shrugged." I'll be fine, as long as you hurry up and get over here before I freeze to death." He smirked before quickly finding a pair of boxers and sliding them on before joining you back in bed.

Not long after you had booth fell asleep you were being awakened again by your alarm. You groaned as you held Bucky tighter. Your alarm stopped after Bucky had hit the top of it, probably breaking it but you would get mad at him for that later." Morning." Bucky said against your ear making you shiver. His morning voice was the most addicting sound on the face of the earth. You hummed back as you felt Bucky start to rub your back." I'm hungry." He told you. You smiled and looked up at him." That's to bad ain't it." He smiled back down at you." A true shame." You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, pulling a groan from him.

Your hands moved up his chest around his neck as his arms tightened around you. You smiled against his lips as he held you closer." As enjoyable as this is, I'm still hungry." Bucky whispered to you after braking the kiss." Just be grateful I'm this close to you at all, you were covered in cow after birth just a few hours ago." He chuckled and kissed you again." Yeah but you love me to much to care." You had to agree with him on that.

You both finally got out of bed after many more kisses. You were now dressed and ready for your day standing in the kitchen making breakfast for you and Bucky." That smells amazing." Bucky told you as he walked into the kitchen behind you." Coffees ready if you want some." He took the cup that was set on the counter, same spot as always, and took a sip from it." I'm going to go check on Nellie." He quickly pecked your cheek before heading for the door." Okay, food will be ready when you get back." He nodded as headed out the door after sliding his muck boots on.

Bucky walked down the hill towards the barn as Bucky's trusty old cattle dog copper came running up to him. He always joined Bucky on his morning routine of checking the animals, even though he was seven years old he still had enough spirit in him to chase down a run away calf or cow when it was needed. Bucky pulled back the barn door and slid through the opening, not wanting to let a lot of cold air in. He walked down the dirt isle to the pin he had put the heifer in the night before. He smiled when he saw a very healthy calf standing next to Nellie." Look at the little guy-" Bucky stopped and kneeled down to look under the calf." Yep, little guy." He smiled and stood back up." You'll make a fine bull when you grow up." He said as Nellie walked towards him." Good job momma." He told the cow as he rubbed her nose.

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