You'll be fine

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So I originally wrote this in my phone notes one night when I was an emotional wreck so forgive me for the sad theme

You were laying on your bedroom floor, tears rolling down your face and falling onto your hair. Your breathing was stuttered as you looked up at the ceiling. Out of all the days you had this week this one was the worst. Your boss wouldn't get off your back, you just couldn't seem to get anything right and you missed your important lunch date with a very special clothing designer that was going to hopefully sponsor the clothing store you worked at, but now you weren't so sure that would happen after you didn't show up for it. You couldn't help the flow of tears that keep coming as you thought back on your terrible day, you closed your eyes when you heard the front door of your apartment open then close. You didn't care who it was, hopefully it was someone you could rant to who would actually listen. You heard foot steps walking down the hall then stop at your room door.

" Y/N? What happened?" You looked up and saw your boyfriend Sebastian standing in the door way. You didn't answer him, you just set your head back down on the floor and whimpered. Seb set down the bags he was carrying and walked over to you. He sat down on the floor next to you and looked you over." Please tell me what happened." He said. He laid down and went to hold you but you rolled over." Y/N, please." He pleaded. You shook your head and felt another wave of tears coming." I had a really bad day ok." You whispered, almost to quiet for Sebastian to hear. You felt his arms wrap around your waist as he pulled you into him. Your back pressed firmly against his chest as he buried his face into your hair." Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. You shook your head again as more tears slid down your face, he sighed but didn't leave you.

You both stayed like that for a while till you rolled over to face him. You looked into his eyes, they were so calming, especially at times like this." I messed every thing up, I- I." You choked up as your eyes filled with more tears." Hey, shhh." He said hugging you. You buried your face into his chest and tried not to cry more." I am sure it wasn't that bad." He said." Oh it was." You answered. " I couldn't get anything right, I missed a super important meeting and my boss was a such a pain in my ass all day I just..." You paused and took in a deep breath before continuing your rant." Jules was no help ether, she wouldn't stop going off about how she was getting a raise and that sucks because it was for something I did too." Seb stroked your hair as you rambled your rant into his chest." I just wanted to curl up and cry in the bathroom." You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled." Well I am glad you stayed strong all day." You pulled away and looked up at him." I feel like shit." You said. Seb wiped tears off of your cheeks and pulled stray hairs out of your face and placed them behind your ear." Do you feel better?" He asked looking back down at you. You nodded and took in a deep breath." Yes, thanks for letting me vent to you." He smiled and held your face in his hands." What else would I be for?" He asked sarcastically. You just rolled your eyes and giggled." Question." He started." Do you want ice cream?" He asked, you nodded and he smiled. He got up and picked you up and walked both of you to the kitchen.

He set you down and went to the freezer to get the ice cream. You grabbed two large mugs and set them on the counter. Seb set the ice cream down in front of you but before you could get any Sebastian had turned you around so you were facing him, your back was against the kitchen counter and Sebastian was standing in front of you, pinning you in place." Seb?" You asked looking up at him. Before he answered he took your face in his hand and gently placed his lips on yours. You sighed, having missed the feeling. You brought your arms up and put them around his neck deepening the kiss. His thumb ran over your cheek before his hands fell from your face and grabbed the back of your thighs, pulling you up and setting you on the counter top. You ran your fingers through his hair as his hands rested on your thighs, your legs wrapped around his waist tightly. You both pulled away, suddenly needing air. He rested his forehead on yours as you both caught your breath." What was that for?" You asked, still trying to catch your breath." I just wanted you to know I love you, even when you are having a bad day and when you feel like you can't do anything right. I will always love you." You pulled away from him slightly, enough to make eye contact." I love you so much." He smiled before pulling you in for another kiss.

It was no lie to you that Sebastian knew you better then anyone. He always knew how to make you feel better, whether it was just you having a bad day or when you just really needed him he was always there for you. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect person then Sebastian. You felt his hand run up your thigh to your hip then under the edge of your shirt to your side. He kissed down the side of your face to your neck as you ran your hands through his hair. A quiet moan left your mouth when his lips met your collarbone. You felt him smile against your skin as he kissed next to your ear." I think you'll be fine." He whispered." I think you're right." You whispered back before his lips met yours again.

After a few more kisses you finely made Seb get you ice cream. You walked over to the couch, grabbing one of Sebastian hoodies and sliding it on before going back to the kitchen for your mug of ice cream." Can we watch a movie?" You asked as he turned around to look at you. He smiled after seeing you in his Yankees sweatshirt with the hood on." You look so cute." He beamed making you blush slightly." And yes, we can watch a movie." You smiled slightly as he walked over to you and put his hand around your waist." You look good in my sweater." He whispered to you." It's a good thing I like wearing them then." He chuckled before kissing the tip of your nose." Come on." He said while taking your hand. He sat down on the couch with his mug of ice cream in one hand and yours in the other." Can I have my ice cream?" You asked walking over to him." Come here and I'll give it to you." You walked over to him and sat down on his lap, grabbing the mug from his right hand and snuggling into his side." What do you want to watch?" He asked." The Note Book." He smiled and found the movie. He pressed play as you took a spoon full of your ice cream and ate it.

He set the remote down and started to eat his own ice cream before he looked down at you. The back of your head was resting on his chest, one of his arms wrapped lossless at your waist while the other was gripping the spoon he was using to eat his ice cream. You had your mug of ice cream in both hands, resting it on Sebs forearm every once in a while." This part is so sad." You whispered as you watched the movie." Doesn't she leave before he can say goodbye?" Seb asked. You nodded sadly. After both of you had finished your ice cream Seb noticed how quiet you were being, he looked down at you to see that at some point during the movie you had fallen asleep. He smiled and turned off the movie before picking you up and carrying you to your room. He laid you down on your bed and pulled back the covers and got in bed with you. He put his arms around you, holding you close to him." Te iubesc." Sebastian whispered to you before falling asleep himself.

Sebastian Stan fanficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora