Words Cut Deep

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The press, news reporters, paparazzi, toxic fans, however you want to label them, they all have the same job, and ability to make an actor or literally anyone under the spot light either look good, or ruin them for a good headline that will be up for a few days then forgotten after. That's what you had been getting a bit to much of.

Sebastian knew the day you said " I Do" that life as the wife of a actor would be tough for not only you, but him too. He knew that the negativity was sometimes hard to run from, as if everywhere you looked there was something new and awful someone had said about you. He had gotten good at blocking out the day by day hate he would receive from some people, but you on the other hand were still trying to live with the fact everyone knew you, and half of them were out to get you.

You had been out to lunch with one of your friends while she was in New York for a business trip when it happened. A random girl who looked to be not much older then 16 walked up to you and started trying to argue with you. You stayed calm, like you always did when things like this would happen, but it's what she said while walking away that dug a knife through your heart.

"I hope Sebastian wakes up and divorces you before he gets trapped with having kids with you, you fucking witch!"

Your friend didn't know what to say, and you were in to much shock to even look back at her. It was on the ride back to your apartment when the words she said really sank in. What did she mean by that? Sebastian wasn't trapped, and even if you did have kids would he feel obligated to love you and stay because of the children?

You were on the brink of tears when you walked through your apartment door, Sebastian was in the kitchen cleaning down the counter top when he turned to look at you, and you could fiscally see his heart drop to the floor.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, what happened?" Seb asked once he made it to you and the tears started to flow." Rude people that's what." You tried not to sob but it was no use. Sebastian held you tight as you hugged him, crying into his chest." Who was rude?" He asked as he stroked your hair softly." I don't know, she walked up to me and Y/BF/N during lunch and started trying to argue so I was just nice back and she yelled at me as she walked away-" You started to trail off, not really making much sense with how much you were crying.

"You need to breath babe." Sebastian told you as he pulled back a little." I-I ca-an't." Sebastian picked you up bridle style and walked both of you to the couch and sat down before he held your hands in his and helped you calm down. Once he started to slow your breathing and had you to the point you weren't shaking anymore he asked you his question again." What did she say?" You took in a deep breath as you moved so you were sort of straddling Sebastian's lap, his hands resting on your hips as yours were on his chest.

"She said that she hoped you would divorce me." You stated to cry mid sentence and Sebastian could feel the pain in your voice as those words left your mouth." You know I would never do that right? You are the only woman I will ever love." You nodded and wiped your tears away as you went on." She said she hoped you would before we had kids, so you wouldn't be trapped with a me." Sebastian felt like his heart shattered in his chest as he looked at how torn apart his wife was over someone's careless words.

He knew this day would come, one where you couldn't take it anymore or the words finally got so harsh you needed a brake from it all, but he didn't think it would have happened so soon." She sounds like a bitch." You giggled and smiled." Yeah, she was." "And you know all she said wasn't true, some people are just jealous that we can be happy, when they do nothing to change themselves." You nodded and looked up at him." I still feel awful." "That's what she wanted, and it's okay actually. I'm just glad you told me and didn't keep it a secret from me." "I could never, you know all my drama." Sebastian chuckled and smiled at you.

"I love you Mrs. Stan, and I always will, don't let anyone's salty opinion change that." You nodded." I won't, or I'll try." You moved so you could lay your head on Sebastian's chest as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head." People's words just hurt so much." You said as more tears threatened to fall." Shh I know, and I wish they didn't, I truly do. Especially when it's you they hurt." You nodded and took in a stuttered breath trying to calm yourself down." I love you Sebba." He smiled and kissed your head again." Love you too."

Ik this is shorter then I usually write my fics but I really needed to let off some steam with this one. People's words can cut deep and they don't usually know how much it hurts till their the ones getting hurt. I can tell ya that from personal experience with people constantly doing so to me, one person in particular actually but he can stay anonymous, for now......

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