2: The Night We Met *

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This is part two to Wild Spirit. If you haven't read that story, I suggest you do before reading this one just to give some background to this part before diving in.
Inspired by the songs The night we met: By Lord Huron, and Space Song: By Beach House
Art by Nixakimbo
Smut warning

It had been five months to the day since you last saw James. You can remember it all so perfectly, the first night you met, and the last night you ever saw him. You tried to continue on with your life, the day-to-day grind as you called it to try and get him out of your head. It was a one night, so you should have moved on by now, right? You were terribly wrong.

Work was a pain and having to walk past the exact same bar you had last seen him brought back everything right to the surface. Now there you were, in that same bar as that first night, taking swigs of a beer to drown out the thoughts of him." Drowning out your sorrows?" A deep voice asked." Maybe, why do you ask?" You looked over at the owner of the voice and sighed when you saw the guy named Charlie that has been flirting with you for the past month.

" You look sad, I was just trying to be friendly." You rolled your eyes and nodded, just trying to get him to stop talking to you." Hey, can I get a whisky?" Another man asked as he sat on the other side of you, trapping you between your awful lover and some man you didn't know." How's your night going beautiful?" The man to your left asked." None of your business." You answered coldly." Come on, you look like you need to have some fun tonight." He went to hold your waist, but you pushed him away." Please stop, I'm not in the mood." He smirked at you, making you feel extremely uncomfortable." Your whisky sir." Clark said as he came to your rescue." And if you could kindly leave my friend alone that would be great before I kick you out." Clark, even though he was almost sixty made the man next to you nod and move away from you quickly.

It didn't take long for Charlie and his friend to leave the bar after that." Thanks Clark, you saved me." He nodded and gave you a smile." Just wish I had done the same thing when James talked to you." You sighed and nodded." It's been five months, why did he just leave like that?" You felt all your built-up emotions starting to spill over in a mass of tears." Sorry." You apologized as you wiped your eyes free of tears." Don't sweat it kid, I understand." You smiled and thanked him again before you decided on heading back to your apartment.

The walk back was warmer then that first night which felt so long ago now. As you were walking down the sidewalk you heard a scream coming from down the street from you. The sound of brakes being pressed and the smell of burning rubber caught your attention as you spun around to see a car that looked like it was just hit by something coming straight for you.

Before you even knew what had happened you were pulled out of the way as the car crashed into the building behind you. You were shaking as you held onto the person who had saved your life." Holy shit." You said after seeing the car that was now crushed and halfway through the shop window it crashed through." You alright?" The person asked you as they got off of you." Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." You looked up at the stranger who was responsible for saving your life as they held out their hand for you to take." You're welcome." You finally looked into the eyes of the person that saved you the moment you did, your heart skipped a beat." James?" You asked." Y/N? I- I." " What the hell are you doing here?!" You asked, sudden anger rising in you." And what the hell are you wearing?" You noticed the leather suit he was wearing, he looked really hot though you couldn't lie.

" Bucky! Hey, we have to get going-" You both looked over to see a man in a blue uniform with a helmet on standing in the street. He had a rather large shield in one hand and on his helmet was the letter A." Bucky? Is your name even James?" Bucky was still frozen in place; he didn't know what to say or do." I'm, I'm just going to go." " I'll be right there Steve." Bucky said as he looked back at you. Your heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour, you had so many questions.

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