Till Next Time: Part 2

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Way to much fluff, read at your own risk <3

It had been one week sense you were saved by Bucky, and after he had fixed you up he asked you out, or you asked him out, either way you were going out with him that night at the same bar you were at the night of the incident that left a cut on the left side of your face. You were at the moment getting ready for your date with Bucky and listening to your friend try and under stand what happened last time you saw him.

" Wait let me get this strait. You walked out in front of a semi and he had to pull you out of the road or you would have been made into jelly, then when you found out you had been hurt from the impact of the fall he took you back to his place and fixed you?" She asked as you put some mascara on." In a over simplified way yes." You answered." And now you have a date with him?" You laughed and looked out of the bathroom to her were she was sitting on the foot of your bed." Yeah, he did save my life after all." " What was his name again, I am googling him." You rolled your eyes and went back into the bathroom.
" His name Y/N, can I please know." " I have told you like five times already." " Please." " Fine, his name is James." You didn't want to tell her his name was Bucky because then she would know you were going out with an Avenger and you didn't want her telling every one that you and Bucky kind of had a thing going on." James. And his last name." You bit your lip trying to think of a way you could get the subject off of him." Do you want to see me now that I am ready?" You asked hopping she would drop trying to find out who this guy was." Of cores I do." You stepped out of the bathroom and stood in front of her. The dress you were wearing wasn't all that fancy, it was a light blue color and you had a leather jacket on over it. You were wearing black heals that matched your jacket. You had curled your hair and had put on a fair amount of make-up." You look perfect, he will love it." She said with a smile." I hope he does."

You pulled up to the bar and parked your car." Well here go's nothing." You got out of your car and walked across the road looking both ways before crossing this time. You opened the door and walked into the familiar room. There were a few people sitting at the bar and others scattered around the room, you looked around trying to find a man with longish hair and most likely a jacket on. Soon you spotted him, he was sitting in a corner both looking out the window. You walked over to him and sat down in front of him." Looking for someone?" You asked which made him turn and look at you. He smiled over at you as you leaned on the table to look out the window he was." Yes actually, you didn't happen to see a woman with ( Your hair color) and the most beautiful set of eyes walking down the street did you?" You blushed at his comment but played along with him." I am sorry but I didn't, she might be looking for you." You said with a smile." Well that's really to bad because you see, I saved her life the other day and I was hoping to see if she was alright." His eyes shimmered in the light as you looked into them, he looked so calm, way different then the first night you met." I don't think she would pass up the opportunity to see you again." You said back still staring into his light blue eyes." I don't know, she could." You couldn't help but smile, he leaned on the table in front of you so you were only inches apart." No, I don't think she would." You both tried not to laugh but soon you both broke out laughing." I didn't think you would actually play along with that for as long as you did." Bucky said with a smirk." Well you started it, and plus I couldn't back down on that." You smiled. After the two of you talked for a while you both ordered drinks and started to get deep into the conversation of work and both of your pasts.
" So, you work at a Book store?" Bucky asked as you took a sip of your beer." Yeah, it is in uptown Brooklyn." He smiled and chuckled." I lived in Brooklyn when I was younger, but now that I live in uptown New York It's kind of odd, much different then Brooklyn." " I am sure it is, I haven't lived here my whole life. I moved here about seven years ago. I just haven't ever been able to leave." Bucky smiled." What if you were to leave, where would you go?" You thought for a moment as you drank more of your beer." I would go to Oregon, I have always loved it there. The mountains, forests, all of it." " I have never been there, maybe you will have to take me sometime." He said with a small smirk.' Man this guy is charming.' You thought as you smiled back." Maybe I will." " We can take a road trip." He said back before he took another swig of his drink." Sounds like fun." " We can stop at all the national sights on the way." He said happily." Like Mt. Rushmore." " Or Indiana." You couldn't help but smile at how he looked at you as he spoke." We can go camping. Maybe even stay at a old creepy hotel." You said as he chuckled." Why creepy?" " Because that's part of the adventure." You talked for hours about all the places and sights you had seen. You loved hearing Bucky's war stories and found it fascinating that he was almost 104 years old but looked like he was in his late twenty's.

You stayed till last call in the bar which was almost at three in the morning." I should probably get home." You said as they started to close down the bar." Good idea." He walked you out to your car which part of you thought that he did just to make sure you didn't get hurt again." I had a good time tonight." You said turning to look up at him." So did I." He said with a smile." You want to grab dinner some time?" You asked." Sure. Seven tomorrow?" He asked." Yes, that sounds good." Your heart was racing as he looked down at you." See you later then." Something inside you was telling you that your night couldn't end like this, you couldn't let him just walk away. Before he turned to walk away you took his hand in yours, he looked down at you his bright blue eyes shining in the moon light. With out another word his lips were being pressed against yours. You slowly brought your arms up to his neck as he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer against him. Your lips moved perfectly together like they were meant to be on his. You both pulled away breathless, Bucky rested his forehead on yours as you both caught your breath. Neither of you said anything for a moment, you were still trying to prosses what just happened when you felt his hand brush the side of your face right under your now almost healed cut. He pulled away enough to make eye contact with you. His hand traveled down the side of your face to your chin tilting your head up so your eye met his." You shouldn't have done that." He said in a low growl." Why not?" He just smiled still holding you close to him.
" Because now I don't want to leave." Before you could answer him he kissed you again but this time it felt different. Like he was desperate. You let yourself melt into the kiss as his hands moved from your waist to your hips. And in that moment, you knew you loved him.

Ok so this ended way different then I thought it would have, but I am not complaining.
Thanks for reading <3

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