Home For The Holidays

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It was the end of December, exactly a week before Christmas. Only the one person you wanted with you was miles away. Bucky had been called for a recon mission four weeks ago and was due home sometime that week, but as the days went on and Christmas slowly got closer you were worried he wouldn't make it home in time, and your kids felt the same way.

"Mommy, is daddy coming home for Christmas?" Your heart sunk at the thought of Bucky not making it home for the most magical holiday of the year. You sighed and looked over at your seven year old daughter and son." He'll make it, don't worry." She smiled before going back to decorating her gingerbread house. You looked back down at the gingerbread men you were putting icing on and noticed that your son Will had made one with what looked to be a metal arm." Look Mama, I made Daddy." He said proudly holding up the cookie to you." I see that, I'm sure he's going to love it." Will set the cookie down before walking over to Julia as she pressed candy cane bits to the roof of the house.

You heard your phone ring from the other room but before you could wipe your hands free of icing Will had already grabbing it and answered it." Hello?" You heard his little voice ask." Hi Dad." You smiled brightly as he walked into the kitchen again, your phone to his ear as he held it with both of his hands." I'm great, we made gingerbread and decorations out of cookies to put on the tree." You heard him laugh from the other side of the phone, a smile in his voice." Yeah, she's right here." Will said as he looked up at you." Bye." Will said as he handed the phone to you." Hello?" You asked as you watched Will walk over to the gingerbread men and pick up the bag of icing he was using before.' Hey gorgeous, how's it going?' Bucky asked." Everyone and thing is great. I think we might be eating gingerbread for the next three months but other then that good." Bucky chuckled making you brake out into a smile.' I was calling to say we got the missions all wrapped up so I should be heading home tonight.' You sighed in relief." You don't know how happy that just made me." Julia and Will where looking over at you as you talked on the phone.

"Do you think Dad is coming home?" Will asked Julia." You talked to him so how am I supposed to know?" Will frowned and looked back down at his gingerbread man he made to look like Bucky." I think he's coming home. He can't miss Christmas." Julia nodded in agreement before she accidentally dropped her bag of icing." Oops." She said as they both looked over at you." Mom?" Julia said, trying to get your attention." Umm, Buck, I have to go. Icing problem in the kitchen." ' Okay babe, I'll see you tonight. Love you.' " I love you too." You said your goodbyes before walking over to Julia and Will who were trying their best to clean up the mess." How did this happen?" You asked sternly." I don't know, it just slipped." You sighed and kneeled down to the floor." Go grab a washcloth from the sink please." Julia did as told and walked to the sink, coming back with a warm washcloth." Thank you."

Bucky smiled to himself as he pushed his phone back into his pocket." The wife and kids alive?" Sam asked after taking a seat next to Bucky." Yep, all's good. Their making gingerbread houses today." Steve chuckled and sat across from Sam and Bucky." Sounds like a whole lot of fun." Steve grind." I just wish I was there." Bucky sighed and leaned back in his seat." Don't worry, we'll be home before you know it." Sam said, patting Bucky on the shoulder. Bucky nodded and closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep before he came home to you and his wonderful kids.

You were sitting on the couch in your living room watching the Grinch with Julia and Will when you felt Will poke your arm." Mommy?" You hummed in response before looking over at him." When is daddy getting home?" You sighed and looked up at the clock on the wall before looking back to your son." Anytime baby." He nodded and went back to watching the movie. You laughed with your two kids at the movie until you got a text from Bucky.

'Just landed, be home soon😘'

You smiled and picked your phone up to answer him.

'The kids really miss you, can't
wait to have you home❤️'

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