Dating Sebastian

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I wanted to try something different in this chapter, just because I have writers block yet again so this will hopefully get me out of it.

-You met at a coffee shop when he randomly sat down in front of you and asked you to pretend to have a conversation with him to get away from the press

-When you first went out with him he was very overprotective of you towards Paparazzi and everything

-Your first kiss was shared under the warm summer evening sky as the two of you watched the sunset

- You were introduced to Sebastian friends on the set of one of his movies. Let's just say Sebastian was ready to kill Anthony after he wouldn't stop flirting with you, as for Chris he was just as sweet and funny as Sebastian had described

-When you moved in with Sebastian there where a lot of pranks pulled on each other constantly

-When either one of you would get sick the other would take work off to take care of the other by making soup, making sure they would take their medicine, and just loving them

-You got a dog from Sebastian for your birthday, and ever since that you both secretly started a war to see who could get who the best gift

-When he finally met your family he was a nervous wreck, you just kept reassuring him that everything would be fine, which it was but that didn't stop him from fumbling over his greeting to your parents

-Sebastian would often leave you flowers before he would leave for filming so it wasn't a unusual thing to wake up to a full bouquet of flowers sitting on you nightstand

-Sebastian proposed to you during Christmas, he had the little box wrapped all neatly under the tree and when you opened it inside was a little note that said turn around, and when you didn't he was on one knee with a ring in his hand

-The wedding you had was amazing but elegant, nothing to elaborate, just close friends and family attended, Chris ended up crying which you would never let him live down

-When you found out you where expecting you where completely over joyed, Sebastian even more then you

-When your pregnancy was further along Sebastian would often press kisses to your oversized belly as you just laughed at him

-Sebastian almost passing out when you went into labor and practically having to force him to not fall over in the kitchen where your water broke

-You holding your son for the first time and Sebastian not being able to contain his emotions as he held his son in his arms

-Watching your amazing family grow up together as you found out you were yet again pregnant

-Having two kids, a dog, and a working husband wasn't something you expected to happen but it was a job you and Sebastian took on at full speed, you were just happy he sat down in front of you all those years ago and started to talk to you for no reason

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