My Protector

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A little 40's Bucky for everyone <3

The wind slowly rustled the leaves in the trees as you looked up into the cold nights sky. You were laying on the roof of the apartment Steve lived in, Bucky laying to the left of you with Steve to the right of you. It was late august, school was close to starting and fall was slowly starting to come around. You were enjoying the time you had with your friends before you left for school. Every year you left for the boarding school you attended, even though you would much rather go to school in Brooklyn but your parents made you go. After you started high school they put you into the boarding school, saying it would make you a better wife one day. It wasn't all that bad though, you enjoyed being able to get away for a while, but you did miss your friends terribly during that time, especially Bucky and Steve, Bucky most of all." What day do you leave?" You heard Bucky asked as he looked over at you." Next Saturday." You sighed as he did the same." So soon, feels like just yesterday you came back." You nodded sadly." I really don't want to leave." Steve looked over at the two of you and smiled." But we have a whole week to do stuff before you leave." Steve added." He's right, we do have a whole week." Bucky nodded." I know." You looked back up at the sky. It was truly breath taking. Steve yawned and closed his eyes as Bucky rolled over to face you." What ya doing?" You asked as he looked over you to Steve." I think Steve's asleep." You looked over and smiled." I think he is." You sat up as Bucky walked over to his friend and picked him up in his arms.

You and Bucky walked down the fire escape to Steve's apartment before crawling through the window. Bucky carried Steve to his room and laid him down on his bed before coming back to the living room where you were sitting on the couch." Are you going home?" You asked as Buck sat down next to you." I think I might just stay here tonight, I don't feel like walking all the way home." He smiled." Me too but I need to go home." You sigh and look over at Bucky with a sleepy smile." Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked." I live down the street." You say." I know, but it's dark and I want you to get home safe." You tried to make him stay but he insisted on walking you home." Fine, but I'm going to feel bad." He smiles as you both walk out the front door and down the street.

You were half way to your house when two sketchy people walked down the street by you. Bucky was quick to put his arm around you and pull you closer to him when one of the men started to eye you. Your heart skipped a beat as his hand held your waist, making sure you were there. You were so thankful to have a friend like him, he was always looking out for you and going the extra mile to make sure you were safe." This is me." You say as you stop in front of your house." Thanks for walking me home, and for saving me from that creepy guy." He smirked." No problem." You both stood there for a moment just looking at each other." I better get back before Steve freaks out that I'm gone." Bucky finely said." Ok, see you tomorrow?" You ask." Yep, want to get lunch?" You nodded and smile." That would be nice." He smiled back as he stood there, looking at you." Night Buck." You gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking to your front door.

You were laying on your bed, thinking back on what Bucky did when that man looked at you. The way he pulled you into his side like that, it felt so odd, but in a good way. It hadn't been the first time he had done that but the first time in a defensive manner. Like he was saying you were his. You always had a small crush on Bucky, but as time went on and you spent more time with him you found yourself falling head over heals in love with him. But sadly you would be leaving him soon, even though you really didn't want to. You sighed heavily then heard a nock on your window. You froze, quickly pulling your blankest up further." Y/N." A voice whispered. It was Bucky. You quickly jumped off of your bed and walked over to your window. You pushed it open and looked at Bucky." What are you doing?" You asked, then saw that his cheek had a split on it and his forehead was bleeding." What happened?" You asked as you looked his face over." Can I come in?" You moved out of the way and he climbed into your room. You rushed over to your dresser and to the bowl of water that was sitting there that you had used that morning to wash your face and took a cloth, dipping it into the water and ringing it out.

You turned around to see Bucky now sitting on the end of your bed. You sat down next to him and took his chin in your hand, turning his face so he was forced to look at you. You dabbed the cloth along his lower lip where there was blood." Will you tell me what happed within the last ten minutes that I saw you?" He didn't say anything for a moment until you moved from his lip the the cut on his cheek." I ran into those two guys while on my way back to Steve's." He told you." And?" You asked." And he told me some, questionable things regarding you." Your eyes met his as he looked away." Do you mind telling me what he said?" He looked at his hands as he fiddled with them." I'm not sure if I should." You took the cloth and folded it over before pressing it to his forehead." I have a right to know what he said Buck. It was about me after all." He sighed, knowing you were right." He said that he wanted you, and that he was surprised that I hadn't had you already." You gasped and looked at him after pulling the cloth away from his face." So you hit him?" He nodded shyly." He said more but I won't tell you that part." You were mad but also glad he hit him." Well did you at least give him a good licking?" Bucky smirked." Yes." You giggled as his eyes came back up to meet yours." Thank you for standing up for me. You're my protector." You told him." What else would I be here for?"

You had finished cleaning up the major cuts on his face and were now focused on his split lip." You're going to have a fat lip for a few days." You told him." I'll be fine, don't worry doll." You dipped the cloth into the water and turned back to Bucky. You held it to his mouth as he looked at you. You were so much closer to him now, much closer then you would normally be." There. All better." You told him, taking the cloth off of his lip." But it still hurts." He wined, giving you puppy eyes." Well what more do you want me to do?" He smiled." Why don't you kiss it to make it all better?" You scoffed and looked away from him as you blushed like crazy." Come on." He pouted." Please." You looked back at him, he looked so cute, his hair was in slight disarray on his head falling slightly into his eyes while his eyes glimmered in the light coming from your lamp." One kiss then will you stop asking?" He nodded like a overly excited kid on Christmas. You leaned forward and placed your lips on his carefully, kissing him lightly. You went to pull away but Bucky took your face in his hands and brought your lips back to his. You gasped slightly but kissed him back. His lips were warm and soft against yours, just like you had imagined them. You pulled away, needing air but once you both got a breath your lips were back on his. Your arms found their way to his neck as the kisses got longer and sweeter. He pulled away from you, looking into your eyes as he smiled." I love you." He said it so effortlessly, like he had been practicing to say those three words to you for years." I love you too Buck." You smiled back before kissing him again.

Hope you like it <3

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