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The idea for this story was basically made by MackenzieDavenport7
So it was sort of requested but not really

It was a simple training exercise, how it ended up like this you didn't know. At the moment you were stuck hanging upside down by your feet, your hands tied to your sides as you dangled over the Grand Canyon. The fear of the situation you were in had all but faded when the reality of it all had sunk in. No one knew you needed help, no one was going to save you, you were alone in this.

Your com had gone dark hours ago, it wasn't super surprising, the whole meaning of your training exercise was to hide for a month and try to not get discovered by the others in the Avengers compound. That didn't go to plan, obviously. You had been stuck with staying in the U.S, after losing a bet with Bucky the night before you all went your separate ways. Nat said she would stay in the U.S too for the first two weeks, so you mainly tried to keep track of her and Bucky before she disappeared, Bucky a few days after. Then while you were walking down the dark streets of LA you were taken aside and pressed to a wall, a cloth pressed to your mouth making you pass out rather quickly. Next thing you knew, you were being lowered down above the deepest point in the Grand Canyon.

A slight breeze slowly hit you causing you to sway a little bit, you tried your best to ignore the sound of the ropes making sounds as they held your weight." Do you think they'll be here soon?" You heard someone above you on the cliff side ask in Russian. To your suspicions, and theories as to who was doing this to you, you had come to the conclusion that it must be HYDRA, you couldn't think of anyone else that would kidnap you. No one else had use of you besides the Avengers, unless this was a stupid prank one of them had set you up on, but you very much doubted it." How am I supposed to know? We sent the signal out just an hour ago, so calm down and keep an eye out." You sighed, an hour? You had been hanging there an hour? It didn't feel like it, maybe that was because of the amount of blood that rushed to your head.

All you could do was wait, in hopes someone would come looking for you.

"When was the last signal received?" Tony asked as he walked into the office in full suit." About an hour ago, give or take." Nat responded as she looked at the map of the Grand Canyon she had pulled up on the hologram table in the center of the room." I knew this whole training thing was a bad idea." Steve said as he placed his hands on the edge of the table, leaning forward a bit as he did." How were we supposed to know HYDRA would show back up like that, and go after Y/N of all people." It's because they want me." Bucky suddenly said as he walked into the room, all eyes suddenly on him." They took her to get me." "We don't know that Bucky." Sam objected. Bucky shook his head and sighed." They've been trying to get me away from here for months, that's why I stuck with Nat during the training, I should have been with Y/N." "But how would HYDRA even know to go for Y/N? There is no way they knew about your relationship with her, it's completely impossible." Steve said.

"He's right, it could just be to try and get into the compound while we're gone searching the whole damn Grand Canyon for her." Rodey suggested." Or, Bucky could be right." Clint said as he walked closer to the map Nat was still analyzing." Well, if either of those are true we need to split up, try and cover as much land as possible before the worst happens." Tony said as he looked to everyone." Barnes, you go low with Sam and Clint, Steve, Nat, and I will search high, Rodes, Wanda, and Vision will stay here if anyone tries to brake in." Everyone nodded and left the office and headed for the landing pad.

You were now trying to free your hands the best you could from your upside down position." I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Yelled one of the men above you in broken English." The ropes around you are connected to the ones on your feet, loosen one, all come apart and you fall to your death." You stopped moving and sighed." So much for that." You said under your breath as you looked up at the ropes tied around your legs and ankles that separated into two ropes that were holding you suspended. The air was getting colder as the sun slowly started to set, giving you chills from time to time.

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