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The sound of rain slowly dripping off of the gutter and onto the wet pavement outside could be heard as the wind rustled the leaves in the trees. The faint sound of thunder rumbled through the still air, making the man curled up in your arms tremble." Shh, it's okay. You're fine." You told Bucky as you ran your hand through his hair. He held you tighter as another rumble broke through the air." I don't feel fine." He whispered into the crook of your neck. You sighed and held him tighter." When's it going to be over?" He asked. You looked out the window and saw the dark black and purple storm clouds slowly moving across the sky away from the city." Soon, the storm is almost gone." He nodded and sighed heavily." I hate storms." You nodded and kissed the top of his head." I know you do."

Bucky's breathing got smoother and you knew he had fallen asleep. You didn't mind, how could you really. Ever since you started dating Bucky you knew it would be a challenge at times, but that was a job you took on at full speed. You loved him and you knew he needed someone to be his comfort now that Steve had left him. You were still mad at what Steve did, even though Bucky had agreed to it you knew he did just because he didn't want to make Steve mad if he said no. It was selfish. Steve had no right to leave him in the dust like that. Your heart hurt just thinking about it. Bucky was so depressed after that day, he didn't want to admit it but he was on the border line of suicide if you hadn't stepped in to be his comfort. And there you were like always, cuddled up with him as the storm went by.

It wasn't news to anyone that Bucky had PTSD. But his wasn't set off like most people's was. His was more of a mind trip wire sort of thing. He could be having the most perfect day of his life and one thing could happen that makes it all stop. The main things that usually set him off were loud sounds, mainly fireworks. Crowded rooms and tight confined spaces. Trains, and traveling by plain sometimes. And the one you had just found out about was thunderstorms. You don't know why you never thought about it but you didn't. You love thunderstorms, but it just brings a whole new level of pain to Bucky's world. He explained it as a mix of a high anxiety attack and the feeling of motion sickness, while you're being punched in the chest over and over again.

It all started when you were sitting in the living room of Sams sisters house talking and just having a good time when you noticed Bucky had disappeared. Then you heard the crackling of thunder on the air and your heart dropped. You ran up the stair in search for him and after checking the last room down the hall you found him curled up in the corner, his hands over his ears, tears streaming down his face as he rocked himself back and forth. He didn't want to move at first, in fear that his panic attack would intensify if he moved from his safe place. But after some coxing he stood up and followed you to the bed where you had him lay down. You were quick to lay next to him and let him cuddle you in whatever way he knew would make him feel better. It was the least you could do after he had saved you during your last mission.

Bucky let out a little groan as he shifted in your arms, holding you tighter as he snuggled his face further against your neck. You smiled and kissed his head before laying back yourself, maybe you could get some sleep too after your long mission last night. You decided it wouldn't hurt to try. You closed your eyes and let your very sleepy body take over. The feeling of Bucky laying next to you and the sound of his soft snores lulled you to sleep.

"Have you seen Bucky?" Sam asked as he walked through his sisters living room where his nephews were sat playing some game on the TV." I think he's upstairs with Y/N." The oldest boy said, his eyes never leaving the TV. Sam went to the stairs and walked up to the second floor before making his way down the hall way to the room Bucky and you had been staying in. He knocked on it and got no answer. He hesitated for a second, given the last time he walked in unannounced he was met by Bucky having you pressed against a wall. He had been extra careful to make his entering rooms where he knew the two of you were very obvious from that moment on. He opened the door slowly and knocked on it again but as he peaked in he only saw you and Bucky sound asleep on top of the bed. He smiled to himself before silently closing the door behind himself, leaving the two of you alone.

"Did you find them?" Sarah asked from the kitchen." Yep, their asleep." Sarah nodded as she finished up making dinner. About an hour or two later Bucky slowly opened his eyes and groaned as he stretched. He looked over to see you asleep next to him, a smile creeped its way to his lips as he looked at you. A sudden chill ran down his spine when another rumble broke through the air, the thunder storm had yet to pass. He sighed and covered his ears as his nerves started to act up. Bucky closed his eyes as he tried to kill out the sound of the storm outside. He felt a hand touch the top of his and he opened his eyes to see you facing him, a small smile on your face." You're okay." You told him, taking his hand away from his ear." I've got you." He nodded as a stray tear ran down his face." I love you so much." He told you, a genuine look of adoration in his eyes." I love you too, so much." You opens your arms and he gladly hugged you, your legs tangled together with his.

"Why do you like me so much?" He asked against your neck. You giggled a little and ran your hand up the back of his head, combing your fingers through his hair." Because everyone deserves love, even if things we've done in our pasts cause problems in our future, we all deserve to know what true love and affection feels like." Bucky pulled back a little and looked up to meet your gaze." Did you just recite a whole poem?" You laughed and shook your head." You make me poetic with love." He rolled his eyes at you and broke out into a smile." You're weird." You smiled." Yeah but you still love me." He nodded." Yes I do."

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