I'd Rather Stay

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"I'm not going, that's it I'm not going." Sebastian said as he reached up to undo the bow tie around his neck that had taken you a good thirty minutes to get right." No, you are going and that's final." He sighed and looked up as you walked over to him." But I don't want to leave you here alone." You smiled and ran your hands up the front of his black tux before they made it to the base of his neck." I'll be fine. I'm feeling a lot better so you won't need to worry." "I still don't want to go." "You kinda have to, I mean this movie is huge, what kind of idea will people get if you don't show up to the primer?" He nodded, knowing you were right." I just have the flu, I won't die." Sebastian chuckled a little before nodding again." Fine, I'll go." "You better go, I have a lot riding on this young man." Sebastian rolled his eyes as his manager walked into the room." The car is waiting down stairs, I'll meet you in the lobby." You thanked her before turning your attention back to Sebastian.

Sebastian leaned in for a kiss but you placed your hand on his mouth." I'm sick." You reminded him." I don't care." He said against your hand. You rolled your eyes at him before dropping your hand from his mouth, letting him press his lips to yours in a chased kiss." Let's go Sebastian, we'll be late!" Seb groaned as he pulled away from you." I'll be right back, even though I'd rather stay." You smiled and nodded." See you soon." He held your hand as he walked away trying to pull you along with him making you laugh. He kissed the top of your hand before letting it go.

You seated yourself on the couch with a big fluffy blanket and a mug of herbal tea to help with your soar throat. You turned on the TV and searched the channels for anything good to watch, then you went to Netflix, after an hour of looking you didn't find anything that caught your eye. Then you had an idea. You opened YouTube and searched for the live broadcast of the Premier Sebastian was attending. You found it almost instantly and clicked on it. Once it was loaded you smiled when Sebastian's face went across the screen along with his costars, he looked to be having a good time but you could tell by the look in his eyes he would rather not be there.

You sipped your tea as you watched the camera pan over the large audience that was there to watch the movie. You wished so much you could have gone, but as always being a nurse came with certain things that always seemed to get in the way." I see your fiancé isn't here with you tonight." A interviewer told Sebastian. He nodded and smiled at her." No, she really wished she could have come but she came down the the flu a few days ago." You sighed and snuggled further into your couch as you continued to listen." Well hopefully we'll see her soon." Seb agreed as the interviewer went on to ask him various things about the movie.

You could never get tired of hearing him talk about his movies, it brought out a passion in his tone that you always found extremely attractive. You smiled as he went in to detail with each question he was asked." He's so good at his job." You whispered as you yawned, not talking to anyone but yourself. Sebastian then thanked the interviewer and walked away towards more of the crowd that was held back by gates.

You continued to watch till all the actors and guests had disappeared into the theater. You turned the TV off and set your now empty mug aside as you laid down to catch some sleep, your sick body practically begging you to do so. You weren't asleep for an hour when the front door opened. You slowly opened your heavy eyes at the sound and went to sit up but stopped when you felt a hand touch the side of your face." Shh, don't get up." You smiled at the sound of Sebastian's voice." You're back early." Seb nodded as he stroked your cheek with his thumb." I didn't want to stay for the movie, I'd rather watch it with you later." You nodded and yawned." I'll be right back okay." You nodded and he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

You ended up falling back to sleep while Sebastian was gone taking off his tux and showering. Sebastian walked back out into the living room quietly, assuming you had fallen back to sleep, and his suspicions were proven correct when he heard your soft snore from the couch. He smiled as he made his way to the kitchen to get you some cough syrup and something to hopefully bring down the fever you had when he left. He made his way back into the living room and to the couch where you lay. He crouched down in front of you and ran his knuckles softly over your cheek, waking you up." Hey." You said as your eyes opened, Sebastian chuckled and smiled." Hey." He said back." I got goodies for you." You smiled as he held up the bottles of medicine in front of you." Oh yay."

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