Camping With Bucky

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No warning just a lot of fluff <3

    You got out of the car and took in the sweet smell of the forest." It is so nice out here." You said as Bucky opened the trunk of the car." I hope it doesn't rain while we are out here." Bucky said as he grabbed the things out of the back of the car." Stop stressing Buck, this will be fun." He handed you your backpack." I just don't know why you wanted to go camping." " Because I wanted to do something with you out side of the city, and away from all the others." Bucky closed the back of the car and put his pack on." But why with me?" Bucky didn't know you had a huge crush on him, even though you were his best friend besides Steve he had no clue." Because we never do anything together any more." He leaned against the car as you put your backpack on." Ready?" You asked looking at him with a smile." I guess so." He said as you took his hand in yours and pulled him onto the trail. You had been walking for almost half an hour when you finely made it to your camping sight." Here we are." You said as you walked over to the fire ring and set your things next to it." Where do you want the tent?" Bucky asked as he sat his backpack next to yours. You looked around." What about over there?" You asked pointing to the flattest spot near the camp fire." Ok. What do you want to do after we set up camp?" He asked as you looked over at him." Exploring!" You exclaimed which made him chuckle." Sounds like a plan." You were setting up some chairs around the fire pit and putting the food on the table as Bucky set up the tent." Y/N, I need you." You looked back to see Bucky holding down a pole to the ground. You ran to him and asked what he needed you to do." Can you hold this for me?" You held the pole for Bucky as he hammered it into the ground." Thanks." He said as you stood up next to you.

You got done with setting up camp and you were now just wondering around in the woods surrounding your camp." Do you hear that?" You asked as you walked over a fallen log." What is it?" He asked as you took his hand in yours." I hear water." You went into the direction that you heard the water and found a small creek that led into a pond." Look." You said pointing at the water." There are fish." You got close to the edge of the water." Don't fall in." Bucky said as he stood behind you making sure to keep you from falling in. You stood up and walked down the edge  fallowing the water currents." You brought an extra pair of cloths right?" Bucky asked, you looked back at him with a scared look." Yeah why?" Bucky walked over to you and stood right in front of you." What are you doing?" Before he answered Bucky picked you up and tossed you into the water.

" What The Heck Bucky?!" You yelled as he laughed. You stood up out of the water that was a bit deeper then you thought." Sorry, here." Bucky held his hand out for you to grab which you did without hesitation. Instead of him pulling you out you pulled him in, he came down into the water next to you." Come on." He said a little aggravated." That's what you get." You said as he wiped water off of his face." You can't do that." He said still mad." Don't get mad at me, you were asking for it." He couldn't keep a strait face as he looked at you." Fine." He stood right in front of you so close that the water that was dripping off his nose was falling on your face." Do you want to go back to camp?" He asked. You had never been that close to him before, you could feel his hot breath on your face as he looked down at you. You nodded trying your best not to blush." But before we do that I need to do something." You said as he smirked. You put your right hand on his face as he put his arm around your waist leaning into your touch, little did he know that your hand was full of mud." Psyche." You said pulling away from him and rubbing the mud that was in your hand all over his face.

You burst into laughter as he wiped his face with his hands." What the heck?" he asked looking up at you. You just kept laughing, he stood up and looked over at you with a mad look." Ok, Bucky I know your mad." You said as he walked over to you, you started to step away from him hoping he would stop walking." And you still did it." He said with a growl in his voice. You turned to run but before you could he grabbed your waist and picked you up." NO!" You yelled as he dunked you into the water, you grabbed his arm that was around your waist and pulled him over your head making him land flat on his back in the water. You both started to laugh, you stood up and walked over to Bucky holding your hand out for him to take." You acutely going to let me get up or do you have more mud?" He asked as he looked up at you." Yes, take my hand or I am leaving you here." He grabbed your hand and you pulled him up out of the water." Your funny." He said as he looked at you." But..." He then put a hand full of mud on your face."... I'm funnier." He said as you looked up at him." You are a real jerk you know that?" He chuckled at the expression on your face. He took a hand full of water and washed off his face as you did the same." Come on, lets go eat." He said putting an arm around your shoulders and walking the two of you out of the water.

You walked out of the tent with a new pare of cloths on with your wet ones in your arms, you looked over at Bucky who was putting wood on the fire." Is that my hoodie?" He asked looking over at you." Yeah, why?" You asked putting your wet cloths next to Bucky's." You look, cute." You blushed and walked over to him." You think I am cute?" You asked sitting next to him." Yeah." He said as he looked down at the ground. You were beyond blushing at that point. He was fiddling with his metal hand as you looked into the firepit." Can I tell you something?" You asked as he slowly lifted his head to look at you." Sure." You Looked over at him, his eyes were glowing from the light of the fire, making his skin and lips look red. You tried to talk but just couldn't find the right words to say, then you felt something wet hit your head. You looked up then it started to rain. You both ran to the tent not to concerned for all the things you left out in the open. You sat down on your sleeping bag as Bucky closed the tent." Told you it was going to rain." He said as he sat down in front of you. It got quiet for a moment the only sound was that of the rain hitting the tent." You were going to tell me something." Bucky began, you stayed quiet still trying to find the words to say." But if you don't want to that's fin-" " I like you." You blurted out. He looked into your eyes as yours met his." I like you too." He said not much louder then a whisper. You got closer to him so your knees were touching his." I really like you." He pulled you closer so you were only a few inches away from him." I really like you too." You closed the small space between the two of you by placing your lips on his, he pulled you onto his lap and put his hands on your hips." I have wanted to do that sense the day we first met." Bucky said pulling away from you enough to make eye contact." Same." He pressed his lips to yours again as you ran your hands up his chest finding there way to his neck." We should go camping more often." Bucky said which made you giggle." Yes we should."

I really hope you liked it, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you had the same reading it. Thanks for reading <3

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