Please Come Home

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Inspired by the song Christmas ( Baby please come home) By Mariah Carey

You were sitting in front of the large Christmas tree in the living room of your apartment, presents sitting neatly wrapped under the tree and lights glowing brightly, lighting up the once dark space. You sighed and looked up at the top of the tree where the glass star was set. You heard the sound of feet, or in this case paws, patting their way down the hall till they made it to you. You smiled when you saw your big hairy brown dog walk towards you." Hey big fella." Your newfoundland looked up at you with his slightly sagging face as he panted, making you giggle. You pat the couch next to you so he would jump up next to you, he did, and sat not only on the couch but on you too." Ugh, Lance." You said as he licked your face." Stop." You told him between laughs." No, Lance." You were eventually able to push him away with enough force so he would lay down, his head on the other side of the couch away from you. You set your hand on his back and scratched it, making his tale wag against your lap.

Lance was a birthday gift from your boyfriend almost two years ago. He had given him to you saying he was meant to keep you company when he would leave for filming. And that's exactly what he did. Lance was full Newfoundland, and that meant he was huge. He was dark brown with big floppy ears, paws the size of your face, and a heart bigger then an ocean. He was a big Teddy bear to say the least, even though he looked like a real bear. Sebastian said he wanted you to have the biggest, fluffiest dog he could find, to keep you warm when he couldn't, to annoy you when he wasn't there to, and to comfort you when you needed it most. Now here you were, with the best gift you could ask for chewing on the end of your couch. But you didn't mind, you still loved him, maybe a little to much at times.

The clock chimed twelve times, you looked over and saw it was midnight, now officially Christmas eve, and you didn't have the one person closest to your heart to spend it with. You looked back to the tree and let out a long sigh, catching the attention of Lance. Your big fluffy blanket of a dog moved so his head was on your lap, engulfing you almost in how much fur he had. He dropped his bone in your hand, nudging it so you could hold the slobbery toy." Thanks buddy." You kissed the top of his head and rubbed his ears. You just wished Sebastian could be here right now, snuggling with you on the couch, kissing your neck and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You missed his warmth, his soft touch, the lingering and loving kisses you would share, you missed him. All of him. And he was half way across the world, no where near you.

Flash Back: Three Months Ago

"I'll be back, I promise." Sebastian said into the side of your neck as he hugged you tighter." I really don't want you to leave." Sebastian chuckled and pulled back from your hug slightly." I don't want to leave either, but it's only for three months, and I will be able to come back home and see you." You nodded as you tried to calm down and not burst out in tears." Promise you'll come to see me? And you have to make it to Christmas." He nodded." I wouldn't miss it. And yes, I will come and see you." You sighed and hugged him again." I have to go or I'll miss my flight." He whispered to you." Ok, be safe." He smiled down at you before pressing a lingering kiss to your lips. You wished that moment could last for ever, but you knew at some point you needed to breath. You pulled away from him as he gave you a sad smile." I love you." Seb told you as a tear escaped your eye and slid down your face." I love you too." You breathed out, in hopes that more tears didn't fall down your face. He pecked your lips one more time before picking up his back pack and duffle bag before walking towards his gate.

When you got back home you sat down a cried, not bothering to do anything with the rest of your day. Lance was there with you the whole time, snuggled up next to you and you gladly hugged his huge neck and buried your face into his fur, letting your tears fall silently. The next few days were sort of the same, you having to go to work and except the fact that Seb was miles away from you, no where near coming close to being home. After two weeks you sort of got used to him being far away. You tried to text him and call him as much as possible, telling him about your day and him doing the same. You loved the sound of his voice and you never realized how addicted to it you were. After the first month of filming, he came back for a short three day stay, he actually came back during Halloween so you were able to spend your favorite holiday with him. You soaked in every second you could with him, which led to many sleepless nights shared between the two of you, and mornings waking up soar with bruises and love marks left behind from the only man you loved.

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