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As soon as you started shouting at me, I should have known you were a Gryffindor. Yet here I am disappointed that your ambition to change the past didn't turn you into a Slytherin. What a shame wasting all your talent in the wrong house. I won't bore you with the repercussions that everyone expects.

I know you'll just blow this letter up if I did.

Don't ignore Sebastian otherwise I'll have to put up with all of his whining in his letters. I'd rather not.

Has Dumbledore caught onto you yet? I'd be surprised if he hasn't, nothing gets passed him. If he does let me know immediately.

In other news, I have secured Dolohov somewhere no-one will find him. Only myself and Farley know where. He won't bother your plans at all.

Speaking of plans, have you put one in place yet? I expect to know of every plan that you come up with. With my knowledge I can ensure it is fool proof and nothing will go wrong.

Dominic King
Head of Auror Office

Well, that was better than I expected. At least I didn't have to suffer the rage of not being in Slytherin. I'd have to inform him of Dumbledore knowing something though.

Not that he knew everything, but he knew that I was from the future. Dominic would be proud to hear that I managed to avoid spilling anything about him whilst under the influence of Veritaserum.

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

The first lessons of my day were a complete waste of time. I could have been using those hours to research. To figure out a way to change the past. Figure out a way to return home.

There was too much I needed to do.

Therefore, as soon as lessons came to an end, I found myself in the library. I walked down the endless rows, my fingers grazing the spines of books as I went.

It was high time that I looked into all the books Hogwarts had to offer on time travel.

It wasn't many.

The only slightly helpful piece of information I found was an excerpt from someone called Saul Croaker who was an unspeakable at the Ministry of Magic.

All attempts to travel back further than a few hours have resulted in catastrophic harm to the witch or wizard involved. It was not released for many years why time travellers over great distances never survived their journeys. All such experiments have been abandoned since 1899, when Eloise Mintumble became trapped, for a period of five days, in the year 1402. Now we understand that her body had aged five centuries in its return to the present and, irreparably damaged, she died in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries shortly after we managed to retrieve her. What is more, her five days in the distant past caused great disturbance to the life paths of all those she met, changing the course of their lives so dramatically that no fewer than twenty-five of their descendants vanished in the present, having been "un-born".

All hope of making a positive impact dwindled. If I tried to return, I'd age twenty years. One conversation could mean that Harry wouldn't be born. One wrong step and all of the marauders could be dead.

I slammed my head against the book. This was pointless.

It's all useless. There's no proof that whatever I do would change a thing. All of it led to everything getting worse.

Each and every time I wanted to give up though, I would hear Hermione's voice in my head. There would be an answer somewhere. I just hadn't looked far enough yet.

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