Two nurses are also sitting at the sofa near the television reading magazines.

As I went inside a sudden chill upon my spine is felt. I never saw mom so helpless before. My mom becomes the Queen for a  reason .
She's strong, wise and independent.

She lives with grace and pride on her shoulders.

I walked slowly to her. Staring at her then at Kevin.

My mother's once sexy and fit body is now as thin as a walking stick. Bones on her body is easily seen.

Tears flow from my eyes.

As I look at Kevin his clean-shaved is now growing thin layer of facial hair. His perfectly styled hair is now grunted and long. He also loses a lot of weight.

Tears flow from my eyes. I gently touched his hair and whispered to his ear .

"Thank you for being strong" then I kissed his head gently.

I leaned closer to mom . Her tan and radiant skin is now just painted pale.

I carressed her face . Full of bandages and wounds .

I kissed her hand and I looked at the monitor her heart beat sensed me.

"Mom, in 4 days time Im turning 18" mom's finger flinched.

"M-mom" I breathe deeply " 5 days from now.. Im getting married"

Mom's finger flinched a bit. Her heart beats faster. Its Vince. Like you wanted. Right?

Mom please tell  me I'm right. That you are right. Please..

I kissed my mom's hand and I saw it!

I sprinkle of miracle happened

Her lips moved.

Just a flinched.


A small murmur escaped her mouth.

Like a magnet it took me in closer .

"Mom please . Help me"

Heart beats faster.

"Mom? Mom?"


"Mom what are you trying to say?" sobs are heard upon my voice. Waking Kevin up.

"Princess?  Is that you?"

"Kev?! Mom is saying something?"

"What?!" Kevin said and took his phone and recorded it.

"Mom? Mom? Queen ? Please say that again?

I can hear my own heart beat.

*bum bum*


Tears . Falling.

*bum bum*


Hope. Fading

*bum bum*


Heart. Racing

 Then it happened.





Then Mom Seizures.

Shaking violently. drastically. Like the entire building would collapsed because of the tremor Queen has making.

"Prince call the doctor!" Kevin shot out of his trance, running outside the door.

"Mom? Please stop. Its all right. " Sobs are escaping my mouth "I love you mom, I love you. It will all right. You will be all right. Your gonna be fine"

The door burst open. A man in a white robe appeared.

I went outside.

 So does Kev.

He hugged me so tight. I missed him dearly . But I'm still loss because of what told me.


"Kev I better get home, its safe to dance in the night alone" A reaper's language .

"Well sis. It takes two to tango"

"Specially to kill a flamingo" with that we said our peculiar goodbyes.

Still he doesn't know in nearly days I'm not gonna be a Pierre.

Scarlett Del Valle.

A bite that too hard to chew.

And a lot harder to swallow.

What was Queen =

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