Marshall x Everest | Swamped Couple

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Everest and Mirage are visiting their pup pals who happily welcome them back)

Marshall: I'm so happy to see you again!

Everest: (curiously) Which one of us do you mean Marshall?

Mirage: (giggles) I know exactly which one of us he was talking about! He was talking about the cute husky!

Marshall: Mirage please don't say that I- (Mirage covers his mouth) (surprised expression)

Mirage: You were about to blurt it out!

Everest: (blushing) Wait, you think one of us is cute?

Mirage: He thinks we're both cute, but just one of us really makes his heart burn with love as much as the sun shines!

Everest: (looks at Marshall) You love one of us?

Marshall: (nods)

(Mirage removes her paw from Marshall's mouth)

Marshall: Thank you Mirage!

Everest: So which one do you love?

Marshall: (blushes) Um?

Everest: (blushing) Please Marshall, tell us! I really wanna know!

Mirage: Says the other pup with a crush!

Everest: Not true that I love- (mouth covered by Mirage's paw)

Mirage: You were about to blurt it out too!

Everest: (blushes and nods)

Mirage: (lifts her paw off Everest's mouth)

Marshall: (surprised) You love someone too Everest?

Everest: (nods)

Skye: (walks over) What are you three talking about?

Marshall and Everest: Nothing!

Mirage: Secret crushes these two have on someone!

Skye: (squeals) You both are in love with someone?

Marshall and Everest: Mirage, why did you have to say that I have a crush on Everest/Marshall! (realizes what they said)

Mirage: I said secret crushes, you both blurted it out!

Marshall and Everest: (blushes) (looks at each other) You love me Everest/Marshall? (both nod to each other)

Mirage: (sneezes and the Golden Tiger Claws comes out of her nose)

Pups: Bless you!

Mirage: Thank you! (notice the Golden Tiger Claws) (surprised) Hey, Mason and I have been looking for those since last week!

Skye: (confused) What were they doing in your nose?

Mirage: (shrugs) Someone may have put them up my nose while I was sleeping for some kinda of joke!

Marshall: What do these do again?

Mirage: It involves a method of teleportation!

Marshall: Ooh! I wanna try! (tries them on)

Mirage: (concerned) Be careful Marshall!

Marshall: No worries, Mirage! Golden Tiger Claws! (uses them to open a portal) (surprised) Whoa!

(Marshall gets sucked into the portal)

Everest: (gasps) Marshall! (jumps in the portal to follow him)

Skye: (gasps) Everest!

(portal closes)

Skye: We have to do something!

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