41| A Small Mistake

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Wonwoo woke up by his phone ringing. He first looked at the clock and decided to answer after all.



Sorry to call you this late, we were trying to call Mingyu but his phone its not ringing

What did he do again?

We don't know, his clothes are everywhere in the bedroom, a cup is broken on the floor

He is home?

No, don't know..

it's 1 am.. Where is he?


Okay. Don't panic I'll be there in 10

You live 1 h away from here..

Be there in 20.

Call ended

Wonwoo turned on his lights to take a jacket and his phone, leaving the bedroom, he took his car keys and left in slippers. He entered the car and started to drove to Mingyu's condo.

No more than 3 minutes passed by and inside of Mingyu apartment were Jungkook, Jimin, dokyeom and Yugyeom. "no. His phone is closed" added Jimin dialing again and again his number, Jungkook stopped him by taking the phone. "he is not gonna answer, it's okay, he is a grown man"

Yugyeom glanced at them then entered the other bedroom. "we can't go in there!" called Jungkook stopping Yugyeom but he opened the door, seeing old things inside, he took a peck then closed back the door. "yea, he is not here" added Yugyeom.

"he maybe went for a walk?" added Dk. Jiminy laughed a bit at him then sat on the couch. "how did he even broke the cup?" asked Jungkook looking at the broken glass on the floor. "I don't know but don't go there" added Jimin holding his hand. They were on the couch, waiting for Wonwoo to arrive.

In meantime....

Mingyu got home around 00:30, he was at his parents house, he got home early than usual and entered the kitchen, taking a big sigh Mingyu walked into he kitchen and took a glass of water. Before that he washed his hands and of course it's Mingyu. Like KIM MINGYU. he dropped the glass of water on the floor.

He tried to clean it up but a piece got stuck into his hand. He sighed and let it there, taking his keys he went to the hospital, not knowing what to do.

After that he went back home, but got his apartment door unlocked, and some lights on. He entered the living room seeing Dk, Yugyeom, Jungkook and Jimin on the couch with worries faces. "why you here guys and why are you so.. Like that?" asked Mingyu walking to them. Dk got scared for a moment then checked on him. "you okay? Where were you!" complained Jungkook hugging Mingyu.

The others hugged him too. "I'm okay"

"how did you broke the glass cup?"

"I wanted to drink water when I came home but my hands were wet and broke it, so I tried to clean it up but a piece of glass got beed in my hand and I went to the hospital not knowing what to do and here I am" responded Mingyu sitting on the couch.

Jimin looked at his hand all bandaged and pouted, he went to Mingyu and hugged him. Mingyu hugged back smiling. "I'm okay hyung"

Jungkook facepalmed himself then remembered Wonwoo. "shit. Wonwoo's on the way"

Yugyeom and Jimin smirked while Dk and Jungkook didn't noticed. "we better leave, you're here, you're safe yea, night" added Yugyeom taking Dk after him.

Jimin stood up and gave Mingyu a wink. He got that and gasped "no. Don't you dare Park Jimin!" Jungkook turned to them but Jimin grabbed his hand pulling him out the dorm.

Leaving, Jungkook drove silently then noticed under the lights a fast car going thru the direction from where they came. "that's Wonwoo for sure" smiled Jimin proudly. "so proud" murmured Jungkook as he stopped the car at his house some minutes later.

Wonwoo stopped the car and rushed to the elevator in the building. Soon the elevator came to the floor and Wonwoo entered. He was nervous and scared a bit. His leg strayed to shake waiting to hit the 3th floor and soon it did. He got out the elevator rushing inside Mingyu apartment.

Mingyu was cleaning the glass on the floor when the door was wide opened. He took a glance to see a worked and scared Wonwoo.

"what the heck?"

Wonwoo smiled and hugged the man tightly not letting him go. "thanks God you're okay" whispered Wonwoo caressing for his hair, Mingyu first pushed him a bit but the hand on his hair made him stop, his hands were on the sides, slowly making their way up the other hugging too. Wonwoo sniffed a bit then turned his head to Mingyu.

Mingyu was confused but happy to see Wonwoo caring for him. "I'm okay, I was okay" added Mingyu giggling. Wonwoo sighed and took a step behind. What happened to your hand" asked Wonwoo looking at the hand all bandaged.

Mingyu chuckled and told him the story. Some minutes later, Mingyu was on the bed, Wonwoo cleaned for him and sent him in the bedroom. He came too not long after.

"I was scared to death.. Well Dk made me scared" added Wonwoo scoffing, Mingyu giggled at him and sat under the blanket. Wonwoo did too while pulling Mingyu into his arms. There was silence.

"I don't want us to be separated"

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