16| late night cries

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After some time searching for Jungkook, jimin decided to call him. "How dumb of you to not think about this first"


Where are you?
Why did you told your secretary to drop me off at your house if you're not here??

Answer me asshole

You think I'm an asshole?
First of all, she showed you the address, ooff..

Second, I'm buying food. AShOLe




What are you buying?

Ramyeon, some salad and something to drink, you want something?

No. Bye.



You didn't hang up

Imma hang up now.



Call ended

"Since he is not home, imma take a shower" jimin said lifting his shoulders and goes to the bathroom.

15 minutes later

Jungkook entered the house, going to the kitchen with his bags, he put the salad in a big bowl until he placed the ramyeon in anthers bowls an the pack in their boxes. He put the drinks on the table along with some chopsticks and some glasses.

Meanwhile Jimin stepped out the shower, going the Jungkook's room to change and cane back. Jungkook washed the salad, he chopped the roots and put then in a bag and then throwed them in a bin. The salad was placed on a plate and put some on the table and the rest in the fridge.

Jimin was in the room, after he changed he started to work again. He was on the bed with an oversized hoodie and some leggings, Jungkook called for him and he happily came. Seeing food his smiled brightened.

"Happy when it comes to food"

Jimin nodded his head as he sat at the table. They ate in silence.

After eating, Jimin washed the dishes as Jungkook cleaned the table and went to take a shower.

In jungkook's room was silence as always, but some typing sounds were heard. Or the keyboard or the pen.

"You sure you don't need help with those? I can find a way to write a little and know so much"

Jimin stopped typing and turned his head to Jungkook. "How?"

Just write some words on Market Entry, some on HR Services and some on Project Management, it will be more wary to learn these"

Jimin frowned his eyebrows then corssed his legs. "How come?"

"Well, there three are the most important files on this documents, to be more simple, it represents the whole building history and to be on a short point it's what you need to say to have someone powerful working with you"

"I understand..I think"

"It's like you need to show your cotumer whats your job, there three are the good three files that helps you show your product with confidence" Jungkook said sitting on the bed placing his phone on the nightstand.

"You better sleep, you have time to learn some words tomorrow" Jimin nodded his head and went to bed after turning off his laptop and the light.

They sat back on back.

Jimin took the blanket in his arms hugging it, he obviously fell on thoughts.


It was 3 am in the morning but Jimin still couldn't sleep. He moved and moved, he hugged the pillow to sleep, he end up facing the ceiling. Some feelings were mixed while his thoughts were over him. First was Hyejin, he didn't even knew why she popped in his head.

But it's happened to him..a lot, she was sticked on his mind lately, he ignored the fact that Jungkook had feelings for him, and ignored another fact that HE hand feeling for Jungkook. Questions and flashbacks were on his mind, some tears started to fell down his cheeks, he pulled his nose from time to time.

Jungkook was awake since he started to move a lot, but didn't said anything as always, he listened to the loud silent that was on his mind, to Jimin pulling his nose and some noises that was made by him when he tried to hold his tears.

But Jimin broke up the silence when he cried hard on the pillow. Jungkook wanted to turn to him but his mind didn't accepted this.

He listened and listened to to Jimin crying, obviously it broke his heart, but the better this to do is just to be there.

Some time later Jimin slowly stopped crying that hard, he turned his face to Jungkook's back. His hands went around his waist and hugged it. Jungkook reacted immediately and turned to face him, Jungkook hugged Jimin tight by his back, Jimin arms went around his chest as he hid his face in his palms.

Jungkook patted his back until he calmed down. Once he did that he let his slowly go, Jimin hands wrapped around him and some little snores were heard.

Jungkook stroked his head to sleep and closed back his eyes.

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