Chapter 98 Unstoppable Car Accidents

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    About a kilometer from the puppet house, a car coming back from the gate just passed.

    "It's really weird weather. "The man and his wife complained. "It's unscientific that the city is just a common wind, but there are tornadoes outside the city."

    "The weather on Earth hasn't been normal in recent years. "The wife is also a face of disappointment, "it's just a pity, we booked the spa hotel."

    According to their original plan, they should head to the next city today and check into a spa hotel. When they woke up in the morning, although they received a government announcement, but saw that the wind was not strong outside, they tried to continue their journey. As soon as they drove to the gate, they saw the tornado and almost overturned their car. That's why they drove back and were ready to go back to the hotel.

    "Have a cup of coffee before you go back. "The man remembers a coffee shop in front of him and wants to have a cup of coffee and go back to the hotel.

    "OK," the wife readily agreed.

    The man turned the steering wheel, was about to turn the car to the left coffee shop direction, the result of the steering wheel suddenly did not control, a violent right, the car then rushed to the right pedestrian street.

    The man was startled, busy to step on the brakes, but the brakes also lost, he slammed for a long time but no effect, the man can only crazy honk the horn.

    "Get out of the way, get out of the way, the brakes are out of order. "The man shouted frantically, while holding the wheel dead and trying to control the car.

    But no matter how hard he tried, the steering wheel was motionless and rushed straight towards an unopened shop on the side of the road.

    Hearing the screams of panic and panic outside, Dracula and the redhead were startled. The two looked at each other. Dracula quickly opened the glass cover and grabbed the puppetized linguine in his hand. The redhead went to the door to check what was going on outside. As a result, she walked to the door and was looking out through the window glass, and saw a blue SUV coming straight towards her, already in front of her.

    The red-haired woman's pupils shrink and use space powers to avoid the impact of the car.

    Oh, shit ! I just used my powers !

    At the same time, Chen Chu, who was looking for Lin Yu on the other side of the city, sensed something and turned his head in the direction of the puppet house.

    An energy fluctuation, a very slight energy fluctuation.

    "Dracula, we have to turn..." Before the word was moved, the redhead saw Dracula hit by the blue SUV.

    This piece of shit, can't you get away with a car ?

    Dracula is also very confused at this time, knowing that he had dodged before the car hit him, but he was hit. He felt that the car had turned its direction at the moment he diddged.

    No, it's impossible. It's too late for the car to turn in that short time.

    " damn it. "If it wasn't for so many people outside watching, he could turn the SUV into a toy car by lifting his hand, but he couldn't.

    "Dracula endured the pain, holding the wall to stand up, the result just moved, the leg clearly came the sound of bone fracture.

    He's got a broken bone ? Although for a vampire, the injury can quickly heal itself, but in years, he has not been so embarrassed. Besides, why would a normal car accident break his leg ?

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