Chapter 4 The Role of - 99 Luck Values

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    The hooded youth had long legs, and every step he took was further than the average person. He walked a few steps past the atrium, stepped on the rolling ladder, and then picked up the steps, stopping two steps behind the middle-aged man.

    The middle-aged man seemed to feel, alertly looked back, saw a hooded young man standing behind him brushing his mobile phone, he observed for two seconds, saw the other side always bowed his head nothing unusual, then put down the guard.

    The elevator quickly went up to the second floor, and the naive laughter upstairs could be heard faintly. The middle-aged man seems to be stimulated by what general, dead gray general eyes suddenly bloodshot, trying to control the trembling right hand, stepped on the elevator to the third floor.

    The hooded youth followed up slowly, always keeping the distance of two steps, bowing his head back to the news. A man named Sea King asked him again why he had bought water for so long.

    I'll take care of a minor accident. Hooded youth typing response.

    Sea King: [Accident ? What level ? Do you want me to come in ?

    [Small matter.] Back, the hooded youth stuffed his phone directly into his pocket.

    The third floor has arrived.

    Middle-aged men stand at the entrance of the children's ward area, with colorful layouts and painted walls showing the difference here. Looking at the pursuit of the children, such as the innocent smile of flowers, innocent and romantic eyes, they are so happy, as if the world is incomparably beautiful.

    But the world is so unfair, so dirty, and when you grow up, you will be disappointed, so let me help you, forever stay in this happy age.

    Without warning, the middle-aged man pulled out the knife hidden in his coat, a thirty-centimeter-long watermelon knife, which gave out a harsh white light under the reflection of the sun. The adult's arms were raised high and rushed towards the children's ward, like a hungry wolf pounced on a lamb to be slaughtered.

    "Ah ah ah......" The middle-aged man roared, only ran two steps, the body suddenly can not move. A large, well-knitted hand was firmly grasping his right arm.

    The middle-aged man turned back and saw the man who was holding him, the young man who had just stood behind him and brushed his mobile phone. The young man is handsome, sword eyebrows and stars, white as jade face without a trace of wind and frost.

    He's another face-to-face eater, just because he's good, so he can easily get it by taking pictures and he'll never make money in his life.

    "Death ! You're damned too! "The middle-aged man turned around and cut the watermelon knife directly at the hooded youth.

    Hooded youth eyes are always calm, the other hand bends his finger in the middle-aged man's wrist gently tap, middle-aged man only feels arm numb, watermelon knife will fall off from the hand. Hooded youth low hand, turned to lift feet, a foot fiercely kicked in the middle-aged man's chest. The middle-aged man fell out uncontrollably and rolled down the elevator.

    The fight between the two took place in an instant, and the people around them reacted to what had happened, screaming one after another, running, scattered. Parents are holding their children to hide back in the ward, the alarm, the door of the block.

    When Lin led a few security guards with explosion-proof weapons to run over, he only had time to see the middle-aged man rolling down the stairs.

    Lin was stunned for a moment, but still pointed to the middle-aged man lying in the elevator entrance on the second floor and shouted: " security brother, that's the man."

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