Chapter 31 Looking at the House

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    Lin Zhi went to the dormitory building to react violently, she seemed to forget to register with roommates.

    It's all because there's so much going on this night, it's a poison, it's a war, it's a car accident, and two people died. She just wants to go out and have dinner with her roommates and celebrate the defense. Why is it so hard ?

    Wait, why is it normal for her to have two people dead ?

    LinGian a tired back to the dormitory, and then lucky to find XuRuan they have fallen asleep. Lin was relieved and did not need to explain. Then he was sleepy. Finally, he did not take off his clothes and slept directly in bed.

    A good night's sleep, and it's 9 a.m. when I wake up.

    When Chu Feifei and Ning Yadan heard a movement in her bed, they looked up at her: " woke up and brought you breakfast."

    " from the second canteen? "Lin Chien leaned out a head to look down, a look at the familiar packaging, know is the second canteen breakfast, "what did you buy?"

    "We went too late, leaving only millet porridge and meat buns. "Chu Feifeidao.

    Although it is a university canteen, but the breakfast in the canteen is not much better than high school or junior high school, is still ordinary breakfast, clean and hygienic affordable, but the taste and the breakfast stand at the door can not compare.

    "Why did you go to the canteen to buy breakfast today? "asked Lin curiously.

    Their dormitory building is particularly close to the north gate, but further to the canteen, and the north gate has a breakfast stall open at 5 a.m., breakfast is delicious and cheap, so the people in their building hardly go to the canteen for breakfast.

    " to punch in. "Ning Yadan Road.

    "Punch in ? The second canteen is on fire? "said Lin inquisitively.

    "The fire is as bad as it is. "Ning Yadan melancholy way, "This is not college has not gone to the canteen to eat breakfast, while still can eat, go to eat a meal."

    So it's this punching in.

    Lin Zhi lifted the curtain from the bed, ready to wash, she came back yesterday too tired, face did not wash on the sleep, this time always feel uncomfortable.

    "Why haven't you changed your clothes? "Chu Feifei shocked to point to the clothes on Lin Zhi, "Wait, you didn't go back to the company last night to work overtime ? How can you work overtime to get your clothes like this? "

    "I'll go. You've been robbed. "Ning Yadan went directly to Lin Zhi body, pulling her skirt asked, "How did this skirt break like this?"

    Lin yi looked down, just found that his new small skirt skirt at this time is already full of holes, above are spider silk shot through the hole and rubbed from the floor ash, and even a few strands of residual spider silk.

    "What is this ? Cobwebs? "Ning Yadan twisted a small ball of spider silk from Lin's clothes with his fingers and asked Lin's in doubt.

    " on the back, too, in the hair. "Chu Feifei disgusted way, "What kind of shift did you go to last night after all?"

    "How did you know I went to work late last night? "Lin Hao just reacted at this time, he suddenly left yesterday, Chu Feifei they did not send her a WeChat last night, this morning it seems that she did not ask where she went last night.

    "Didn't you text us on a colleague's phone ? Said you were called to work overtime, and your phone fell into the water and couldn't turn it on. "Chu Feifei asked Lin Chien.

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