Because of Qi An'an's previous evaluation and analysis, Shi Tian and these people don't plan to leave now.

    The trial training time was too tight just now, and everyone felt that it was not enjoyable enough. Now there is no need to record data and test the training effect, and they can start to formally devote themselves to training completely according to their personal conditions.

    At the very least, you must first polish your own somewhat vain strength due to rapid improvement.

    Then he just learned how to use his own strength, otherwise, as Qi Anan described, he could not use his strength even though he possessed it, which would be an extreme waste of genetic fluid, and no one could accept this result.

    They want to get stronger and stronger and stronger!

    When they formally started training like chicken blood, Qi An'an had already had a face-to-face communication with Minister Gu in the observation area.

    Regarding Qi An'an, Minister Gu had already met unilaterally a long time ago, even earlier than the previous high-level meeting.

    The genetic fluid was first promoted in the current military region, and he knew it not long after the R & D and promotion. After all, as the minister of the Ministry of National Security, he manages the elite of the elite, and the promotion of the genetic fluid is absolutely leaking. Don't drop them.

    Even the elites in his department can't be missed, let alone his leader.

    In addition, he still heard a lot of praise and admiration for Qi An'an from his old father, and his father was the General Gu at the military region meeting. The minister is not very familiar with her, but Minister Gu has already gotten to know her unilaterally.

    Now that she wants to know some details about the martial arts world, and said that she will go with her on New Year's Day, of course he doesn't mind providing her with some help, and his attitude towards her can be said to be very friendly.

    The world of martial arts is divided into six families, Yin, Sheng, Tang, Shao, Fu, and Mu.

    These six families are now at the pinnacle of the martial arts world. Qi An'an already knows this, but he is completely unclear about some internal situations of these families. This is exactly what Minister Gu wants to tell her.

    Minister Gu spoke in great detail, and he even has a certain grasp of the combat power and equipment of these top aristocratic families.

    There are many strong people in the martial arts world, but they should not be too divorced from the country. The national level still needs to control them to a certain extent. Minister Gu is the medium that connects the official and the martial arts world, so Qi Anan is the right one to find him.

    Minister Gu talked about the understanding and analysis of the six great families, and Qi An'an listened very carefully.

    Besides the six great families, there are no other families in the world of martial arts.

    On the contrary, these martial arts circles may have a huge family relationship due to customs and traditions. In addition to the main family, there are many side branches. One family is like this, not to mention that there are many large and small families in the martial arts world. Spread and develop, it is already a huge force.

    One aspect of the country needs them, but on the other hand, they cannot be allowed to develop unrestrictedly.

    If there are too many powerful people, it is easy to use force to violate the ban, and it is easy to bring great instability factors to the stability of the country and the peaceful life of ordinary people.

National Treasure GeniusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang