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"Mr Jeon, your wife is pregnant".

Jungkook went numb for a second. He stopped functioning after getting this information. He was speechless, happy, confused but most importantly shocked.

His eyes only travelled on the floor in thought.

"Sia is....pregnant?"

End of recap

Narrator's pov

Sia's eyes slowly opened, greeted by the soft warm light on the ceiling. The dark orbs travelled all around the ceiling before falling down to the walls. Observing them. She saw hospital equipments, machinery and visiting chairs all placed neatly.

It was when her gaze landed to her right that she caught a figure in a white coat. A doctor was the first thing that crossed her head. Accompanied by the thoughts of how she got there.

"Mrs Jeon you're awake. How are you feeling right now?" The doctor asked calmly. Paying her full attention.

She observed him for a few good seconds. Various thoughts crossing her head and many wanting to escape her mouth.

"How did I get here?" She asked as she slowly got up to sit. With the doctor assisting her.

Jungkook instantly came in at the sound of her voice. To find her awake and seated on the bed.

"S-Sia?" He watched her with tears encircling his eyes.

It was when she turned her gaze towards him that he rushed to her and pulled her in a hug in great need.

"I'm sorry. I so sorry. Don't leave me Sia please. Don't do this ever again. What am I supposed to do without you? Please forgive me. I'm sorry".

The doctor remained quiet while Sia remained clueless.

Jungkook pulled away from her and cupped her cheeks. His eyes desperately begging her to stop this madness, most importantly regret lacing in his voice.

She slowly brought her hands up and pulled his hands away from her face.

"Who are you?"

Jungkook was at loss for words and so was the doctor.

Jungkook stared in her eyes with tears encircling his.

"You don't remember me?" He asked lovingly. Desperately.

She simply watched him as he poured emotions onto her.

"Honey it's me".
He said as he tried to touch her again. However, this time she moved away. Not wanting to be touched.

The doctor observed this abnormal behaviour and decided to write something down on a piece of paper.

"Mrs Jeon. Can you recognise this individual?" He gestured towards Jungkook in order to clarify.

Sia simply looked towards him and shook her head.

The doctor's gaze slowly drifted towards Jungkook with Jungkook's towards the doctor.

"Do you recognise yourself? What's your name?" 

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