Chapter 28: burning desire

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"I'll call the doctor". He was just about to grab his phone when Sia held his hand, stopping him.

"No need. I have Panadol in my purse. Just give me that I'll be fine soon".

He stood up immediately and made his way towards her desk. He grabbed her Louis Vuitton purse and searched for Panadol. However something else came in his hand.

He picked the box up and had a look.


End of recap

Narrator's pov

Sia looked to the side to see him already looking at her. He was rather calm than what she had expected. She expected him to say something but he didn't.

"Bring me that too". She said softly, avoiding eye contact.

He did as told and grabbed the Panadol as well. Bringing both sachet of pills to her.

He placed it on the glass coffee table and brought her a glass of water before sitting down on the couch beside her.

He watched her as she took contraceptive pills. Gulping it down.

However, stopped when seeing Panadol. She wondered whether it would be safe to take it. A part of her was scared that it might interfere with birth control. Hence, she didn't after contemplation.

He leaned back on the couch, his gaze remaining on her weak form as she sat quietly.

None of them spoke. Not a single word being uttered. Sia avoided looking at him while he couldn't help but stare at her.

That is until a knock on the door broke silence.

"Come in".
Jungkook ordered.

The door opened gently and in came a woman. She was about the same age as Sia and by the way of her dressing, Sia could tell she was an office employee.

"Sir, I got what you ordered for".

"Place it here".
He said and the employee did as told. Placing a huge paper bag on the coffee table. With that she bowed slightly out of respect and left. Closing the door as she did.

Sia watched Jungkook quietly. Clueless about what was inside. He sat back up and brought the bag closer before taking out takeaway containers and placing it on the table.

"What's this?" Sia asked as her eyes wandered on the little table. Seeing many delicacies.

"You didn't eat much this morning, so..."

She couldn't believe it. She was speechless.

Why does he care? She thought.

"Why?" She questioned. Watching him as his gaze remained down on the table.

Sia's pov


Why? Why? Why?

Why does he care whether I stay alive or not?

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