Chapter 59: Past part 2

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His lips curled up in a slight smile but soon vanished as he drowned in a whirlpool of his thoughts.

"You're suffering because of your existence because you.........."
He paused as she watched him. Waiting for her answer.

"You're suffering because you were chosen to be his, when you were rightfully mine"

End of recap

Narrator's pov

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I left this house after that betrayal. At the age of 18, I moved out. Living by myself. I was going to attend University in a few months and that's where I first saw you. I remember walking past, seeing you sitting under a tree reading a book. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off you even with a broken heart. Even when my life had turned colourless after Joy's deceit, it was for the first time my head turned towards another girl. I had always been loyal to Joy but seeing you...felt like home. You felt like home".

"Felt like home?" Sia asked softly. Confused at what he was trying to imply.

"Ever experienced a warm feeling of sitting cozy in your warm house, listening to your mother singing and baking with lights switched on in the winter time? The smell of vanilla candles filled in every corner of the place as you're watching TV at night when it's snowing outside? Seeing you awakened those feelings I had lost years ago. You felt like home to me".

Sia was blown away by his response. She didn't imagine him having such strong feelings towards her ever since the beginning. She thought he must have hated her to death to have done something so cruel but this, this was unexpected.

She opened her mouth to utter, to question him why he treated her like that if he felt like this towards her but before she could he spoke up.

"I can't deny the fact that I was drawn to you since without my own knowledge. I was already so heart broken and my focus mostly remained on the heartbreak I was experiencing but the minute I saw you, everything disappeared. Every bit of my problems and pain would disappear the minute I would see you. Even if for a brief moment. It was as if you were a walking ray of sunshine in my dark world. Coincidently we ended up in the same business lectures as well. You were seated on the other side than me. I would often catch glimpses of you. Even so, I had no intention to cause you harm in anyway. You didn't mean much to me. I didn't know who you were and honestly I wasn't going to explore more about you anyway. I didn't know your name at all. I just recognised you from your appearance".

Sia kept listening. Listening to him carefully. Finally getting to know the reasoning behind his inhumane acts.

"It wasn't until I was informed about Jimin's wedding that I got to know who you were. Initially I thought Jimin was getting married to Joy, but turned out he was getting married to the heiress of Lee Enterprises to build more networks and marry into rich. What's worse is Joy was fine with it and was ready to be his mistress. How can any woman be okay with that? That bitch had no self respect. Knowing him, it was obvious he was going to cheat on his wife with Joy and even then I still couldn't do anything to get back at him. Not until I learnt that he fell in love with his bride. That was the turning point."

Sia quietly listened to what he had to say. Taking in every bit of detail.

"You have no idea Sia how head over heels he was for you. He was crazy for you. He couldn't stop thinking about you. I would often have to return to the mansion to grab my stuff after I moved out and all I heard throughout the time of my visit was your name. Sia is this, Sia is that, Sia is so pretty, Sia is perfect for me, if only I met Sia earlier, Sia is the one, I think I'm in love with Sia, Sia, Sia, Sia."

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