Chapter 7: the past has caught up

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Without any hesitation I ran into Jungkook's room and slammed the door shut. My eyes were left wide open at what I was witnessing.

There he was......sitting on the couch, shirtless. A remote in his one hand with a glass of red wine on the other. His eyes fixated on the huge TV screen.

I gulped when my eyes landed on that screen.

The sound of the woman moaning....was none other than mine.

"Why are you doing this?"

End of recap

Sia's pov

Tears welled up in my eyes and threatened to fall as I kept watching that disgusting video of me.

The awful memories of that day corrupted my head once again as I rewatched everything that took place on that unfortunate day.

He pulled me out of the whirlpool of my thoughts by putting the volume even higher which added more to my anxiety.

"D-Don't please don't, d-don't do that", I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, they began trickling down my cheeks voluntarily as I begged him to lower the volume before it reached my husband's ears.

"You disobeyed me, tell me how should I punish you?"

He finally turned his head to the side. His eyes landing on my miserable state.

"I-I'll do anything. I'll do anything. Lower the volume and I'll do whatever you want", I got down one my knees and quickly crawled towards him like a dog. Begging him to stop this madness.

"Anything?" he cocked an eyebrow at me as he sat dominantly. Placing his wine glass away on the table stand beside the couch.

I was scared is an understatement. I was petrified by what was to come.

He won't spare me now.

He looked down at me with a smirk before harshly grabbing my neck. He pulled me closer by it, and leaned forward until our faces were barely an inch apart.

I didn't get a choice but to look him in the eyes as he watched me with his cold ones. My eyes teared up and throat went dry while awaiting his response.

"Kiss me".


I expected much more worse but this was also bad enough.

I was once again drowning in my own thoughts when the sound caught my attention again. Snapping me out it.


It's too loud! it's too loud! They'll all hear it!

Without giving it a second thought, I closed my eyes and pulled him closer by the nape of his neck, before pressing my lips against his. A tear trickled down my cheek as I kissed the man I didn't want to have anything to do with.

I kept kissing him with him responding back and to my surprise the volume was lowered down until even I couldn't hear a thing.

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