Ch 58 - Cousins

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Mew pov

"Are you okay..?" king asked making me narrow my eyes at him while he raised an eyebrow with confusion.

"What happened..?" he whispered holding my hand making me swat away.


"i can see you are enjoying their dance performance so much... that you keep on looking at them..?" i huffed making him giggle.

"haha... oh my baby queen... don't be jealous... i have only eyes on you.." he whispered back

"yaya... i can see that" i said with a pout. After few more performances everyone gave their gifts and all of us went for dinner.

Once we are done, we said our good nights to my family and went back to our room. Once we were inside, king back hugged me snacking his around my waist and kissing my neck.

"you look so beautiful in these special clothes my queen..." he whispered near my ear touching my earlobe making me close my eyes.

"ahmm... king.." i started moaning and king me turned facing him and attacked my lips and soon we found ourselves on bed without any clothes under the blanket.

Next day morning,

I slowly opened my eyes to see myself sleeping on king's chest making me loop up to meet king's face who is still sleeping making me smile. i started playing with his lips to wake him up and that worked when i saw him stirring in sleep making me giggle.

"baby... stop it...let me sleep..." he whispered and hugged me tight making me laugh.

"Get up king... it's already late..." i said but he just whined without opening his eyes... he is acting like a baby. I bite his nipple making him open his eyes with a hiss and glare at me while i look at him innocently.

"Baby... why did you bite me...ahh..?" he said loosing his grip on me and rubbing his nipple where i bite.

"then you are not waking up.." i said with a pout.

"you are becoming naughty day by day queen... and now stop pouting like a innocent.." he said and started tickling me making me laugh and move away from him but he hold me tightly.

"hahah... stop.. king... " i said and after sometime he stopped and i looked at his nipple which has my bite mark . i went to it and started sucking it.

"Baby..ahh... what are you doing..?" he said holding my back of head.

"reducing your pain.." i said and he cupped my cheeks and made me look at me.

"what did you say..?" he asked laughing

"i said i am reducing your pain" i said

"ohh.." he chuckled.

Gulf pov

"you want me to reduce your pain also..?" i asked raising an eyebrow at him while he looked at me confused making me chuckle and i made him lay on the bed while hovered him.

"what are you doing..?" he asked and i went towards his hole and spread his legs.

"king.." he whispered

"i want to reduce your pain" i said and started licking his hole making him moan.

After few minutes,

we got freshened and went out as mew's parents are going to their kingdom. By the time we reached their room everything is packed and they got ready to go.

King decha came to us and smiled at us as mew is already crying as they were going and i was rubbing his back smoothingly.

"King, we have a request" king decha asked

"yes king? what is that?" i asked

"we want prince Tee to be here, so that it would be help take care of queen" he said and i looked at mew who is giving me puppy eyes.

"you want it?" i asked and he nodded his head pouting making me chuckle.

"that's fine king. I will ask the servants to arrange prince's stay here." i said

"Thank you king" he said and mew went to hug all his family members. I also bid my goodbyes to them.

Author pov

King decha's family started their journey to their kingdom leaving prince Tee back here.

"Minister Tay, please arrange stay for prince Tee and take care of him while he was here." king gulf ordered

"sure king"  minister tay said and went. While king went to queen, he is busy with prince Tee making him shake his head to see two omegas talking excitedly without caring about other things around them. so king left to do his duties for the day leaving overly excited omegas.

"Tee, do you want look around the kingdom, i will show you" queen mew asked

"mew, you are pregnant. you have take care of yourself properly. don't strain yourself. i can ask someone to show me around later .okay?" prince tee said making queen pout but nod nonetheless. They started walking towards queen's room while chitchatting about themselves.

"so how is married life?" tee asked making mew smile and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Beautiful... not how it is when i though i am getting married to a person who had a war with my kingdom" mew said and chuckled

"king loves you so much... before i heard so many rumors how he is a cold person but i got shocked when i saw how he behaved with you... it is totally not how i expected.." tee said

"yaa he used to be like that but not now... you know who can be cold to me... like a cutie, charmy and very beautiful person..." queen mew said with a giggle

"wahh... beautiful... who? you..? wow.. very funny... you shouldn't about something like this you know.." prince tee teased making mew huff and mew started chasing tee while both are laughing until prince tee bump into pronce Tae.

"ouch.." princ tee rubbed his forehead and looked up to see prince tae looking at him with concerned and confused face.


It's been a long time.... 🥲🥲

I hope you still are interested 🫢🫢

How is the chapther guys? Let me know in the comments 😅😅

Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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