Ch 7 - Traipipat kingdom

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Mew pov

I was sitting in the carriage even when it is stopped as I don't know whether to get down or not.

" Queen, you can get down now " I heard someone saying.... Queen ? Is it me ? ...I peeked through the curtain seeing a man who was with king for all time. He smiled and bow down asked me to get down. I slowly got down from the carriage but I can't see anyone except guards and this man infront of me.

" King went inside " he said making me look at him and nod my head

"I will show you your room for now to get freshened and by night we will arrange the permanent room queen " he said

" Queen ? I got informed it will be after some ritual done here ?" I asked

" Yes queen , but we can call you now also as your husband is king " he said

" Let's go Queen " he said showing the way

" What's your name ?" I asked

" It's tay queen " he said and I nodded with a smile. When we were going I heard king shouting at some people. He is so mean.

" Queen , these our palace people " minister tay introduced making me bow at them .

" Welcome queen " they making me give a little tight smile

" This is minister new , my husband " minister said pointing at one person

" Greetings Queen " he bowed again making me smile

" This is tong, our palace main minister " tay said

" This is off and his husband gun , they look after king " he said pointing at one tall figure and one small figure and I nodded my head and we went to some room .

" I will send a maid for you and he will be your personal servant from now " he said while I was entering the room.

" See you in the ritual queen " he said and went from there itself. I was just in thoughts of missing everyone when I heard a knock on the door and opened it. I saw small figure entering into the room.

" Greetings Queen " he said bowing a bit

" I am your personal servant from now " he said and I nodded my head

" What's your name ?" I asked and he looked at me with widened eyes.

" What happened , did I say something wrong ?" I asked worriedly

"Ahh.. no no queen , it's just no one will ask our names here , so I was just a little bit shocked " he said

" Ohh... You didn't tell your name yet ?" I asked

" It's mild , queen " he said

" Mild , you don't need to be tensed with me " I said making him relax a bit and gave a smile

"I just worked for only some ministers , they were so cold to me and it's my first time working with such high level like queen " he said

" Actually, there is no omega servants mostly , a very less ....king said only appoint a omega as queen's maid , so that is why they assigned me " he said and I nodded my head

" Did you get married ?" I asked and he gave a me very shiny huge grin

" Yes queen , just one year back " he said making me smile

" Queen, should I arrange a bath for you ? Ritual will begin soon , so you have to get ready " he said

" Okay mild " I said and he went to other room which is connected to this after bowing to me. After sometime, he came back and told it's ready.

" Mild , what about my clothes ?" I asked as they said they prepared clothes for the ritual.

" I will bring them queen , in the mean time you take bath " he said and I nodded my head and went to bath. After I completed the bath, I took the my clothes and got dressed and went to my room to see new clothes on the bed.

" These are your clothes queen " mild informed and I was looking at the clothes one by one... How to wear these .....??

" Do you need help Queen" mild asked looking at my confused expression and I nodded my head. He helped to wear those clothes , they are heavy...

" Do I need to wear these daily ??" I asked

" No need queen, it's just for ritual after that you can wear what you are comfortable " mild said making me release a heavy relief breath and mild laughed looked at it.

We heard a knock on the door making mild go and look at it . He came back after sometime.

" Queen, it's time to go " he said and I nodded my head and I looked at myself and went out carrying these heavy clothes.

Author pov

When prince mew went to the hall, everyone stood up bowing to him and mild asked me to sit on the throne . People started murmuring among themselves as king didn't arrive at.

" Our queen is really beautiful "

" Yaa....let us see maybe he will change our king "

" Yaa, it's been more than 10 years, we saw his smile "

They all stopped talking once guard announced king is coming. Everyone stood up when King gulf entered the hall. King gulf walked to throne where Prince mew was also standing and sat a bit side this time as every time he used to sit in the middle but know he has make a place for his omega. Prince mew also sat beside king gulf maintaining some distance between them and the rituals for making prince mew as queen started.

" Now we present our queen mew suppasit " the minister announced as priest kept the queen crown on mew and everyone in the hall started cheering and celebrating but the two people on the throne not even looking at eachother. After some programs and celebrations, queen mew was first taken to the same room but the king was still there looking at the dances and some events as queen has get ready for the night.....

" Queen, today is your first night with king " mild said making mew shock while he is removing his clothes

" I don't want" mew said biting his lower lip in nervousness and mild looked at him with his helplessness

" I can't help anything here queen " mild said sighing and giving the clothes to mew . Mew was still thinking even though he is changing clothes.

" Are you ready queen ??, your room is prepared and I will move all your belongings tomorrow morning there " mild said and mew nodded his head following mild to his room.

Mew entered the room to see whole room decorated in red making him more tense. He is not ready for this ......


Our prince has become queen now..😊

No one can change in one day .. what's your opinion ?? 🙈

How is the chapter guys ? Let me know in the comments 😅😅

Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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