Ch 44 - Teasing

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Author pov

In the morning,

Gulf tried to wrap his arm around mew but it just felt on bed making him frown and realisation hit him and he gulped the lump in his throat.

"Shit... I am doomed...!!" Gulf thought inside

"Should I open my eyes or just pretend some more"  gulf again started thinking whether to open his eyes or not.

"How much time you will take to open your eyes ??" Mew asked making gulf open one eye and look at mew who just completed his bath and drying his hair with towel. 

"Hehe baby...that..." Gulf sat up scratching his neck nervously.

"Hmm...?" Mew hummed not looking at gulf.

"Sorry na... I was unable to sleep night without you so I came baby... " Gulf started explaining

" Did I ask anything?" Mew asked

" Are you not angry?" Gulf asked while mew just shrugged his shoulders.

" Nahhh... Atleast I got to know that you can't be without me... So you will not cheat on me " mew said making gulf gasp.

"So you are thinking I would cheat on you ??" Gulf asked narrowing his eyes at mew who is still not looking at gulf.

" Babyyyyyyy..... You will be finished in my hands today...!!" Gulf said and next second gulf is chasing a laughing mew around the palace. Just then Renault was in the corridor making mew hide behind Renault while laughing loudly.

"Uncle save me..." Mew said trying to avoid gulf who is still trying to catch mew behind Renault who is also laughing seeing mew and gulf playing around him.

"Mew come here now.... " Gulf said but mew just showed his tongue and again hide behind Renault.

"uncle move aside...mew come here..." Gulf said making Renault struck in his place..... After so many years he was hearing from gulf. Mew also stopped moving and smiled after gulf called Renault uncle.

Renault hugged gulf with tears in his eyes making gulf shock with his eyes widening.

"Thanks gulf.." Renault said and gulf looked at mew who signalled him to hug him back making gulf hug Renault back and pat his back with a small smile.

Mew pov

It's so happy to see them like that. King is looking at me and asking me what to do next making me giggle.

" You can continue" uncle said making me widen my eyes as he released from hug and left while winking at gulf... Shit... !!

Before I escape king lifted me from air making me yelp by wrapping his arm around my waist. He took me to a room which is near to it and pinned me to wall.

"So.. you don't believe me..huh..." He growled making me nervous.

"King..." I said in a low voice

"Hmm... Tell me " he asked but what I have to tell.. I was looking here and there except him...

" I was just joking king... " I said sheepishly

"But wait... You came to my room before I forgive.. so that and this same... So leave me king .." I said wiggling my hands from his hold. He hold it tightly and came near my face and blowed air into my ear making me close my eyes... I felt he released my hands and his palm travelling to my arm to waist and he is sniffing my cheeks making my breath hitch. After few seconds, he stopped doing and again came to my ear. 

"Ohh sorry I forgot I shouldn't touch you right until you forgive me right " he whispered huskily in my ear and released me. I opened my eyes after calming a bit.... Till now I don't know his touch has so much effect which is taking me to another trance. He smirked at me and went from there....

Gulf pov

I was smiling to myself after coming out of the room... Hehe... While I was walking krist came to me.

"King... Prince tae has opened his eyes " he said

"Hmm... Let us go " I said and looked once back at the room and went to p'tae. When I went inside,I saw uncle crying and pecking p'tae forehead and face. Uncle stood up when he saw me and p'tae looked at me and his father alternatively.

"He is gulf " uncle said making p'tae look at me and give a smile. He motioned me to come near him. I went and sat beside him.

"Thanks..." He said in a low cracking voice and I shaked my head as no.

"It should be who should say thanks phi " I said and he gave another smile and hold my hand.

" We are family right" he said and I nodded my head with a smile. Just then mew entered the room making us look at him and I smiled secretly looking at his still red face... Opps but he saw me and glared at me.

"Greetings Queen " uncle greeted.

"Uncle stop calling me queen... I feel so old when You call me queen....just can call me mew " he whined making us giggle.

"your queen?" P'tae asked me and I nodded my head with a grin.

" Hi phii " mew greeted him and p'tae smiled and bow his head lightly.

"Won't you greet me ??" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me.

"You are still not done with your fighting??" Uncle asked laughing a bit.

" We are done uncle " I said

" No we are not done " mew said glaring at me.

"Aww.... What I have done baby...?" I asked winking at mew

"No..." he said with shuttering making me smirk.

" I will meet you later uncle... Bye uncle... Bye phi " he said and went out.

" Don't tease him gulf " uncle said ruffling my hair like he used to do when I am child. We talked for sometime and asked them to rest as I have to take care of some works so I came out of the room.

" King... It's time for our festival gala " tong said

" Oh really...!!" I said

'its mew's first time here' I thought

" It should be very grand tong... More than last year " I said

"Okay king... We will arrange it in two days " he said bowing and went out.

'should I go to mew now... He will kick me if I go now........'


Hey guys..!!
I want a suggestion... Do you want me to start ' little monster' parallel ly with ' baby queen ' ?? Because there are so many chapters for baby Queen so it will not end now... So I want to know whether you want to read it along with this...🙈🙈

How is the chapter guys ? Let me know in the comments 😅😅

Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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