Ch 21 - knowing more

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After few days

Mew pov

I was looking at some books which are related to kingdom just then mild came with a letter to my room.

" Mew you got a letter from cheevevat kingdom " mild said making me lit up and take the letter. I read it and felt very happy.

" What's the matter mew..? You look so excited " mild asked me

" My elder phi is going to be dad elder brother in law is pregnant ..!!" I exclaimed

" Wahh... congratulations mew ..!!" Mew said and I hugged him while he hugged me. I will write a letter back to them and send. Just then guard announced king coming into my room. Mild bowed and went out of the room once king entered. I smiled at him.

" What are you doing ? " He asked looking at my letter.

" I got a letter from cheevevat kingdom, p'max and p'tul are going to parents itseems ....I was sending congratulations to them " I said while he nodded his head.

" Include my congratulations also in that " he said and I nodded my head and wrote his wishes also in that. King called the guard and asked him to send letter and he also arranged some gifts with it .

After I took responsibility, I am not getting can I when I was packed with lot of work . But from 2-3 days it got reduced , so I was learning these things and king is also helping me , we spend more time together . He always kiss my forehead before going to sleep, wherever he is before going to his room , he comes to my room and says goodnight while kissing my forehead and go out of my room.

Gulf pov

" King, prince lhong came to meet you " one of the guard said while I was sitting in garden.

" Then bring him here " I said while he nodded his head and went to call him.

" Greetings king " he greeted while I nodded my head .

" What's the reason for your sudden visit ?" I asked

" King, my father asked me to meet you as I was going to my kingdom from sele hospital after my treatment as I met with an accident one year back and told me to talk about the surrender letter you sent for us " he explained

" Hmm... So you are going to surrender or up for the war ? " I asked

" We are ready to surrender and work under you king " he said while bowing.

"Good... Then I will sent my minister to talk about the rules and conditions regarding this " I said

" As you wish king " he said

" I heard you got married when I entered your kingdom king... congratulations on that " he said

"Hmm.." before I could say thanks I saw my queen walking to me and smiled at me making me smile in return.

" You are here king.... I was searching for you " he said after coming to me while lhong looked up and saw mew with widened his eyes.

I saw how the person infront of me got shocked seeing mew . Mew turned back to look at the person.

" Hey lhong.... You are able to walk now " mew said while smirking making me confused.

" You know him ?" I asked mew

"Hmm I know him very well " he said

" Prince...prince mew...I didn't know you will be here " he said shuttering ...I didn't understand why he is afraid of mew..

" He is not prince now..... He is queen of Traipipat kingdom " I said while he got shocked more.

"Okay king... I will take my leave " he said and ran away from the place while I saw who snickered in disgusting expression.

" What happened with him ?" I asked while we both are walking.

" He is a idiot and also waste person " mew said making me laugh at his expressions.

" He once came to cheevevat kingdom last year with his father for some business but he didn't sit with them and came to me while I was alone in some place and tried to touch me " he said making me growl in anger.

" What the hell..!!.. he will die in my hands now " I said and was about to turn but mew hold my hand.

" Calm down lion.... Before he touch me... I broke his hands and legs " he said making me widened my eyes.

" You know fighting..??" I asked amused

" Hmm yes... I learnt hand to hand combat, sword fight, bow and arrow " he said

" but I never saw you practicing ?" I asked

" While I was young, all my phi's used to go for training... I used to get bored alone at palace... So I also started going with them and learnt but after I came here...hmm... I also don't know... Just didn't thought about that because of all other works " he said shrugging his shoulders.

" Then why don't we have a fun sword fight " I asked going infront of him and stopping him walking.

" No.." he said amd was about to go in other direction but I also moved blocking him.

" No king.... please I don't want to fight with you " he said with a sulking face.

" It's just a fun fight mew... Only once one will get hurt " I said making him sigh because I badly want to see mew's skills.

" Okay... Only round... No more " he said showing his one finger.

" Yes..!!" I exclaimed and took him to my practice place in the palace and asked the guards to leave who were in that place. I gave him other clothes and we both change into practice clothes as we can't fight in our normal clothes.

" No cheating.." he said while I was handing him the sword as I already have mine.

" Yes and same goes to you also queen " I said while we both took our positions. We both stood infront of us with our swords down, none of us are attacking... So I just lifted but got shocked to see mew defended it with in a fraction of second.

" Not bad..." I smiled and he smirked at me....


I saw this in a movie and thought of keeping it here....hehe 🤭

How is the chapter guys ? Let me know in the comments 😅😅

Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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