Ch 26 - US

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A fluffy cute little chapter for our king and queen...!!!

Author pov

" That is what happened and I was waiting for the day to take revenge on him for killing my family and he is also planning to kill me and take this throne , so I was destructing his every plan he is doing " Gulf said and mew felt very bad for his husband and wiped the tear with his thumb that has escaped from gulf's eyes .

Gulf blinked his eyes to stop the tears and it was after a long time he has tears in his eyes because he never want to show his weakness infront of anyone but now it is only his queen here so he don't have to hide his emotions.

" I actually thought of keeping you at distance from me as everyone who is close to me is leaving me eventually , so I don't want anything happen to you ....that is why I hurt you on the first day and tried to ignore you but with out knowing I myself drawn closer to you and now I am more scared that something will happen to you " gulf confessed

" It's okay king, all your worries are valid but don't be Scared because when I am in danger I know you will save me and protect for the life ..... Ofcourse no one can resist me right..." Mew said playfully the last sentence to lighten the atmosphere making gulf giggle.

" Yaa .... I will make sure no one will harm you " gulf said caressing mew's cheek with his palm drowning in his queen's eyes who is looking at him with a small smile. King closed the distance between them and attached his lips to Queen's making mew close his eyes and gulf deepened the kiss by entering his tongue and started sucking mew's tongue while mew hold gulf's arm tightly melting in the kiss and forgetting about the world.

Mew pov

He released the kiss while I was panting heavily because out of breath but he is calm.... don't he require air ???.... I asked myself and put my finger at his nose whether he is breathing or not.

" What are you doing queen ??" He asked smiling in confusion and moving his back from my finger.

" Checking whether you are breathing or not " I said and he laughed out aloud.

" How can I be alive with out breathing baby ??" He asked ruffling my hair.

" Then why everytime after we kiss ,I was the only one who breath heavily and you look calm ?? " I asked tilting my head and he laughed more.

"Hmmm..... Maybe because I am taking your breath while kissing " he said playfully and slept on the bed by keeping his head in my lap and he took my hand and started playing with my fingers.

" Your fingers were very soft like cotton and they look like baby's fingers " he said pressing my fingers softly making me smile

" See how my fingers are rough and totally opposite to you " he said by keeping his hand beside mine and comparing them.

"Hmm .... I don't do much work na king where as you go for wars , training , works... So Ofcourse they will be different " I said where as he interwined our hands and looking at them. He took our hands to his mouth and kissed back of mine .

We started talking about the things what happened these days when we are away from eachother.

" Let us sleep for sometime , I am sleepy because of tiredness and also didn't get proper sleep " he said and made me also sleep beside him and hugging me tightly.

" If you hug me that tight , I may get compressed " I said and heard his laugh very loud this time and released a bit making me sleep on his chest and he immediately drifted to sleep and after sometime I also drifted to sleep as silence surrounded the room.

Gulf pov

I woke up and saw the most beautiful person infront of me sleeping curled into himself on my arm . I slowly removed my hand under his head and made him properly lay on the pillow. I flopped on my elbow and started watching him. I saw how his nose taking breaths and his cute little pout making me itch to touch them.

" I think God has pitied me for taking all my family members from me , so he gave me this angel to fulfill my life " I mumbled and pecked his forehead making him slightly move in his sleep.

"Hush...hush...." I whispered making him go back to sleep.

After sometime, I slowly traced my finger on his lips....why these are so addicting making me always want to taste them.

"Hsssssss...." I hissed when he bite my finger and I looked up to see him opening his eyes  and looking at me with a teasing smile.

" What are you doing king ??" He asked with a teasing smile he not sleeping till now....

" You are acting baby till now ?ahh..." I asked pinching his cheek.

"Hehe I woke up when you pecked my forehead " he said with a little smile.

" tell me what are you doing when I am sleeping ??" He asked

" Do you want to know ??" I whispered huskily making him blush and look down. I leaned forward to kiss him but he stopped me with his fore finger and got up from the bed.

" Catch me , so you can get a award " he said with a smirk and laughed when my hand flopped down when I tried to pull him onto the bed but he moved back.

" Queen, you got wounded ....stop running and come here..." I said and he rolled his eyes.

" When will you stop talking about that, it's already got healed " he said

" Stop rolling your eyes , but you should take rest " I warned him getting up from bed.

" What I did till now ?" He said trying to go away but I was fast and caged him.

" Do you think you can escape from me ??" I asked with a teasing smile.

" You cheated.... you kept talking making me distract and catched me " he whined

" How I catched you is not important ... whether I catched you or not is important give me my reward now " I said


So fluffy...???😅😅

How is the chapter guys ? Let me know in the comments 😅😅

Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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