Ch 4 - Stupid will

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Gulf pov

" What... ??" I yelled when minister said there is a will given by my grandfather that too for this kingdom

" Yes king, I am here to tell you what is there in the will and our king will come to discuss with you about that " minister said

" If there is some will why didn't they come before !!" I yelled

" You will know king " minister said making me frown

" What is the will ?" I asked and minister explained everything why the will is written .....what the hell ? I have to marry ...?? No way .

" I am not gonna marry your prince " I said

" King, if the prince agreed to marry you then you have only two options , one is you have to marry him and go for other northern Kingdoms and second one is if you don't want to marry him then you have to return to your kingdom and shouldn't come back for the war " he said

" What the hell are you talking!!!!!!" I yelled

" It's true king and here is the will , ask your ministers to look at it " he said handing the will to my minister

" Even if there is a will, I AM NOT GONNA MARRY YOUR KING'S SON " I sternly said and he bow and went out and I looked at my minister who is looking at the letter whether it is true or not , he nodded his head as true making me rage in anger

" So the war we did till now is going to be waste ..!!" I yelled

" But if you marry him, this kingdom will also be under us only king " my minister said

" Do you think I will get married as a deal and I don't want any relationship in my life " I said

" King, think about it once .... We came from that far to gain this kingdom and our soliders even when the resources are getting less they didn't complaint and didn't show their weakness to other kingdom , you should think of them also " minister explained

" Isn't there any option, I don't want to get married at any cost " I said

" No king, if we return with out you marrying him then they will be happy only as they will win both their kingdom and son , they took this much time to agree to this will as the king didn't inform the will to his son as they don't him to get married with you " he explained

" If you get married, then they will fight for us instead of fighting with us and we can get remaining kingdoms also " minister said

" I don't understand why they keep marriage as a deal " I groaned

" The best option is for you to accept the marriage, because if we gonna take our soliders will get with the lack of resources and takes time for next war " the minister said an do signalled him to go out

" I think I don't have other choice than marrying that king's son but I thought I will never allow anyone into my life " I thought to myself sighing

" Whatever, I will just marry him and will not get close with him , he will live his life and I would be myself , nothing gonna change anyway " I thought and said my decision to minister and also the other king has arrived with a sullen face maybe he thought I will not accept this marriage and leave this kingdom , so his son no need to marry me....huh...

" Arrange the marriage in two days " I said

" Two days ? King -"

" I want this marriage to happen in two days " I firmly said cutting the other king where as he agreed with out much choice as if disagree with something it will effect his son in the future.

" Okay king kanawut " he said and went to his palace .

" Tay, send our soliders back to our kingdom by keeping only few here for guarding " I ordered

" Yes king , I will " he said and I flopped on my bed after he left

" You all left me alone here and when I was used to live alone now why are you bounding me with your stupid acts " I scolded my grandfather who wrote this stupid will

Author pov

Cheevevat soliders and prince max was confused when the war stopped and Traipipat soliders were returned back to their kingdom and also he got order from the king to come back to the palace and go back to their homes.

Prince Mew who heard the news that the other king agreed to marry him was crying alone in his room as he hoped atleast there would be one percent of chance the other king will disagree the marriage.

The palace which is used to be smiles and laughs was now filled with silence. Queen went to his son's room and consoled prince that everything will be okay even though she herself can't control her emotions.

His brother-in-law's came to him once they heard the news , it was shocking to them and they immediately run to prince room and queen left leaving mew with them as she has to start wedding preparations .

" Mewie... " Saint called kneeling infront of prince mew making mew look at them with a puffed red cheeks and tears. Saint wiped them with sad smile .

" Don't cry na , we are all there for you even if you got married " saint said and asked the servant to prepare the bath for prince .

" Why do you accept that father ??" Prince max yelled after knowing the truth behind stopping the war

" We don't have other chance max to save our kingdom " king said with a cold face as he himself can't accept the fact that his son is leaving them in two days.

" Father, you are saying our baby will leave in two days and yet we have to do this wedding happily when he going to marry that king " zee said

" I already told we don't have other choice, prepare everything for other king to stay until the marriage is over and everything for wedding rituals should be done properly and grandly " king said dashing out of the room

" We will go and meet mew , you start the preperations and don't be sad infront of mew , atleast let us make him happy until he is infront of us " thanya said going to mew's room with sammy


Wedding preparations started.....!!!!!

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Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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