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Aonung's Pov:

Norm had me stop in for another two shots, this time I didn't feel as tired as I did the first time I got the shots.

"So now I have a possibility of having a kid?" I asked him and he nodded. "That's right"

I smiled a bit, my thoughts filling with the looks of I child learning to swim, hunt, talk.

"Thank you norm" I smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"Now get out of here" norm laughed, shooing me up with his hands.

I waved goodbye, rushing out and down the trail back to my pod, I didn't feel as tired as the first time I got the shots.

"Aonung!" Tsireya was there to greet me at the entrance of the pod. "How'd it go? Are you feeling tired?" She asked me.

"It went great!" I smiled at her and she seemed to get excited. "And I don't really feel as tired as before" I told her and she nodded.

"Good, good" she said, patting my back. "Now have you told neteyam yet?"

I winced a bit realizing I haven't. "No, but I don't want to get his hopes up for nothing" I told her and she gave me a look.

"I will tell him!" I tried to convince her. "Just not right now" I kind of mumbled the last part being a bit embarrassed.

"Oh eywa aonung!" Tsireya sighed. "Tell him tonight okay" tsireya said and when I was about to come up with an excuse she gave me a look that said I'm not done.

"You don't have to tell him that your going to make a baby you can tell him that it's a possibility" tsireya explained. "So then at least he knows"

"But what if he reacts wrong" I asked worriedly.

"You won't know if you never talk to him" tsireya said. "Plus there's always a chance he'll react in a different way"

"I'm just worried" I muttered, voicing my fear.

"Neteyam loves you aonung, I've seen it for many years" tsireya chuckled. "And a boy with that much love for you isn't bound to hurt you on purpose"

"Just don't hide from him" tsireya scolded, hitting me on the top of the head.

"Tsireya!" I whined, rubbing my head.

"Off you go, be with your little boyfriend" tsireya said shooing me away and I got up, leaving her den as she followed me.

"Good luck with your baby!" Tsireya called and I looked around frantically.

"Tsireya don't do that in public!" I hissed and she just laughed at me. "Bye now aonung!"

She's gonna be the death of me.

I had so much writers block while trying to write this chapter I can't even explain it
Word count: 460

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