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Neteyam's Pov:

I had already steadied the ikran but Aonung still had his face hidden and was holding onto me like he was going to die.

I looked around at my siblings showing their passengers the beautiful view.

"Aonung, look" I said, trying to get him to lift his head, he didn't. He mumbled something I couldn't hear. "Aonung, it's okay just look" I tried to reassure him.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry..." Aonung spoke lowly and it was hard to hear him. "What why?" I asked, trying to see his face but I couldn't because it was hidden away. "I- I want to go back..." Aonung said. He must be really scared.

"Okay" I said just to him before calling out to my siblings, Kiri came closer to ikran before I spoke. "Tell lo'ak I'll be taking aonung back to camp" I told her, Kiri flashed me a worried look, looking over at aonung who still had his head buried in my neck. "Is aonung okay?" Rotxo asked worriedly.

I nodded. "Just a little height sickness" I said trying to laugh it off. I hope. "Okay, bye neteyam" Kiri said, she still had the worried look on her face as she pulled her ikran away to go to lo'ak.

I turned my ikran back the way we came, twords the cliff.

The ikran hooked it's claws onto the cliff, steadying itself on the flat ground before letting me and aonung off, I helped aonung get down and once his feet hit the solid ground he back away from the ikran. He wouldn't look at me.

"Aonung are you okay?" I asked him confused. He nodded his head turning back to the forest and beginning to leave.

I jogged after him. "We're you afraid?" I asked him, he turned to glare at me before shouting. "I'm not afraid!" He hissed, making me flinch back. "A warrior is afraid of nothing!" Aonung went on, turning back around to walk back to the camp.

But your not a warrior yet. Your still a kid.

"Aonung it's okay to be afraid" I tried to tell him, reaching out my hand to touch his shoulder.

"No it isn't!" He shouted smacking my hand away. "It will never be okay!"

"Aonung -"

"Just shut up and go fly with your stupid freaks you f@g!" Aonung screamed. I instantly stopped in my tracks, aonung showed no reaction to his words.

"Why would you say that?" I whispered, looking at him in complete confusion and shock. This isn't the na'vi I thought he was.

Aonung said nothing, I knew I was getting angry. "Of course your like this" I hissed and he just glared at me. "I can't believe I thought that you weren't the jerk everyone says you are" I laughed, trying to calm myself down. Aonung still didn't speak.

"What?" I hissed. "Got anything more to say about me and my family?" I asked him, taking a sharp breath in.

"Yeah" he said. "You all freaks, and stupid f@gs that couldn't take care of their own problems so they come running to others, you guys are fucking pussy's!" Aonung snapped, I felt my blood start to boil. "And it makes sense since you all are f-"

I hit aonung. Hard. Across the face.

He looked surprised by the impact and I was surprised I even hit him, just a few minutes ago I would have never dreamed about hitting him.

Aonung didn't hit back, I could see the mark start to form on his cheek as his tail and ears lowered.

"Don't you ever think about coming near me or my siblings again" I warned him, he didn't acknowledge me at all, he lifted his hand up to touch his face.

I glared at him angrily, turning around to go back to my ikran and siblings.

I didn't need aonung. I hated aonung. He will never get an apology from me again.

I hate him.

Yes I'm making you all suffer 🤷
And me too though 🧍
Word count: 677

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