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Neteyam's Pov:

"Come on guys!" Tsireya said hurriedly. "We don't want to be late!" She said, grabbing lo'ak's hand and dragging him out while aonung just shook his head at his sister.

"Takuk where did you put your necklace?" Kiri asked the little boy who was playing with carved toys on the ground.

"I'll help you look Kiri" I told my sister, helping her search. "I hid it" takuk smiled teasingly.

"I can see that" Kiri laughed, shaking her head. "Can you show me where you hid it?" She asked him.

Takuk got up, walking over to aonung who handed him the necklace. "Aonung!" I laughed, pretending to be mad.

Aonung chuckled as Kiri put the necklace on takuk. "He asked me to" aonung shrugged stepping closer to me.

"I feel so betrayed" I smiled, turning my head away from aonung.

"Come on love birds" Kiri laughed, Rolling her eyes playfully. "Takuk is ready to go"

I blushed a bit my nodded my head, following aonung out of the pod. We walked down the trail and I could hear people cheering and having fun.

"Aonung!" We heard a voice call and we all turned to see Tirotay running down the trail to catch up with us.

"Who are you all dressed up for little bro" aonung smirked and his brother flushed. "You already know who" he mumbled.

Aonung smiled, patting his brothers shoulder. "I'm messing with ya" he told him. "but make sure to greet mom and dad first" aonung said.

Tirotay nodded, giving a thumbs up as he ran his way down to the party.

"Can we run too?" Takuk asked, turning his head to look at Kiri. "No way!" Kiri chuckled shaking her head.

I smiled down at takuk "you excited?" I asked him and he nodded eagerly.


As soon as we got down to the party aonung wanted to dance with me, I laughed as we danced together, I was more wobbly than aonung was.

Other na'vi danced around us, smiling as they danced with their own friends, family, and partners.

"Get it neteyam!" Tsireya cheered, dancing with lo'ak who was trying to act like some romantical dude.

"Come on aonung" I sighed. "I'm thirsty!" I told him.

He smiled, pointing over in a direction. "Food and drinks are that way" he told me. "I'll wait for you here"

I nodded, leaving to go get something to drink because my throat was really dry.

I poured myself I drink that I hoped wasn't completely alcohol. I took a sip and felt complete satisfaction. The drink tasted like fruit.

I was about to go back to aonung when I heard voices talking. It sounded like my little sister tuk.

I felt confused because the food and drinks were at the edge of the party so I followed my sister's voice, being sneaky.

I made sure I wasn't seen as soon as I spotted her. She wasn't alone either.

I listened in and watched their conversation. Because I'm such a great brother.

She was sitting next to that metkayina boy,  maskwa.

"You know I'm not a warrior yet either" I heard tuk say, the two were sitting on the dock (idk what it was called in the movie 💀) they had their legs in the water.

"Are you mad about that?" I heard maskwa asked. For once his voice was soft and light, the first time I didn't hear his voice filled like it was about to shoot icy venom.

"Well, I was supposed to become a warrior but then we left for here so yeah I guess I was upset" tuk admitted.

"I get mad too" maskwa said. "I don't think aonung likes me very much" maskwa said, his voice cracked and I wondered if he was crying because tuk's hand instantly went to his back.

"I'm sure thats not true!" Tuk told him. "Aonung can just be tough sometimes" tuk explained but the boy shook his head.

"Its not like that, it's not just him" maskwa said, his voice was returning to that icy venom.

"It's all of them" maskwa told tuk. "They treat me like I'm something that needs to be fixed, worked on" he said and part of me felt sympathy for the boy.

"Antohi wants me to do this and that but no one teaches me how to do it!" He not hissed and I saw tuk rub his back.

"Mawey" tuk said soothingly, rubbing his back and he leaned into the touch. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "I'm just mad about it"

"It's okay" tuk told him and he let out a sigh. "I wish they could see me the way you do" maskwa admitted.

Tuk took the boys hand in hers raising it up. "I believe that warriors that express their emotions are true warriors" tuk told him, running her free hand over his fin.

"I should become a leader" maskwa said, his voice was back to the soft tone he had before.

I smiled seeing my sister, deciding to go back to aonung as I slipped away from the two of them.


"What took you so long" aonung whined once I had gotten back, he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me into a hug and I blushed, looking around at the other na'vi's who didn't seem to pay attention.

"Sorry I was talking to my sister" I told him and he nodded, dropping his head into my neck.

"Tsireya wants to group up so come on" aonung mumbled into my neck before taking my hand.

Group up?

I only have motivation when I'm supposed to be sleeping 💀
Word count: 941

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