Start from the beginning

"It was an order, master."

"An order?" The wizard looked me up and down, and he must have seen it. He lifted my necklace with the end of his wand, inspecting the time turner.

"Dolohov broke free of the silencing charm. "What did you do? What did you did, bitch?" Dolohov was desperate, something he never was.

"Farley, set up tea in the parlour, would you?" The wizard asked and the elf disappeared with a crack. He turned to face me, disregarding the struggling wizard. "I think it's time we had a chart." He held his arm out directing me towards the door. "After you."

I grimaced as I walked out of the room. It became worse as I went to go down the grand staircase. My knees wobbled and I gripped onto the banister tightly, taking my time. If it angered him, he never said a word.

When we made it into the parlous, I essentially fell into the chair letting out a sigh of relief. My whole body was burning in pain.

The wizard took the opposite chair, studying me. His eyes never left me, not even as he reached down for his cup of tea.

"Your name."

I worried my lip between my teeth. "Aurelia."

"Full name." He demanded.


"Explains how you were able to order Farley to let you out. You know who I am?"

I nodded my head. How could I not? His portrait had been all around the Manor as I grew up. His portrait hated me. Dominic King.

"And what am I to you?"

"My grandfather."

Dominic King leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. "Sebastian produces an heir then."

I scoffed. "He's father of year, alright." His eyebrow quirked up at the action. But I had moved on. "What year is it?"

"It's 1977."

"Right." I nodded my head as my hand reached for the time turner. I finally had the chance to actually look at the peculiar object. It was different compared to the ones I had seen before; it wasn't gold first and foremost.

The one around my neck was silver and it was more square than round. But most importantly, all the sand had fallen out.

It was empty. Destroyed.

My heart sank, any chance of going back and seeing my friends alive again was gone. I was trapped in 1977.

1977. That meant it was the first wizarding war. The Potter's were alive. Harry isn't a horcrux yet. The Horcruxes! There would only be five of them in existence.

Harry wasn't born and Nagini wasn't around yet.

I could stop it all.

We'd actually have a fighting chance.

"I can save everyone." I choked on the realisation. "I can—I, I can kill Voldemort."

"Tut, tut, tut." Dominic slowly stood up; his wand aimed at me. "That's not how we would have raised you."

I narrowed my eyes. "Raised me? No one fucking raised me. You want to know what happens? Your son fucking hates you for making him a Death Eater." I stood up and walked into his wand until it rested on my heart. "You die, merlin knows how. I grow up without a family because good old dad wants to hide from everyone and act as if I don't exist. Oh wait, that doesn't work because he still gets killed by the man you've pledged our loyalty to. Is that what you wanted? For our family to go extinct? Cause job well done."

Kismet ⤖ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now