Ryder looked down at Olivia he could feel her fuming, "don't overreact" Ryder said, Olivia stood up and looked at him, "she clearly just came onto you and I am pissed sir" Olivia said. "The feelings are not mutual kitten, I don't want you to do anything except sit down and eat" Ryder said. Olivia was angry but regardless she ate her food but she was not really hungry. Ryder did some paperwork, and looked to Olivia, "on the couch" he said and she walked over and sat down. "Lay back and close your eyes" Ryder said as he pulled her legs close to him, and he pushed inside her, Olivia felt his erection but also something cold and it was an amazing feeling. She groaned under it as she had no idea what it was as she kept her eyes closed, Ryder pushed harder and faster and she was getting close. "Please master" Olivia said, "no kitten" Ryder said he didn't want her to cum just yet as he pushed hard and fast and he came inside her. Ryder denied her the orgasm as he pulled out. "Sir!" Olivia said, "Strike one kitten" Ryder said, she knew that was a very loud complaint. "I get you are angry but I know it will be rewarding in the end. Kitten be a good girl" Ryder said as he kissed her head and she was frustrated she had given him 2 orgasms now and he was not letting her have any. She sat in frustration still on the couch as Ryder went back to his desk. "If you are going to continue that I will punish you right here" Ryder said. Olivia didn't care at this point anything from him was better than nothing, she thought about it for a second and walked over to him and sat down. "Do you want me to punish you?" Ryder asked. "No sir" Olivia said, "then drop the pout kitten I will deny you all day if you keep this up" Ryder said. Olivia tried her best to not be grumpy but not only was she bored but she wanted an orgasm so badly. "Please master" Olivia said, "please what?" Ryder said, "please give me an orgasm master" Olivia said. "In due time my kitten but I am working" Ryder said, "I get now why you said that I would complain today, you are not playing fair sir" Olivia said. "No you are right, but you forget that I make the rules, and the more attitude I get the less I want to please you. I am all for denying you today kitten, but if you stop complaining I might let you cum soon" Ryder said.

Olivia tried her best not to complain as she stood up, "I am using the washroom" Olivia said, "okay" Ryder said as he slapped her with a ruler when she stood up. She knew why and she rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room, Ryder shook his head she was never going to learn. Once Olivia finished in the washroom she walked up to Kara, "I would like a milkshake please" Olivia said. "There aren't any places to get one close by" Kara said, "I don't care get one" Olivia said. "Screw you" Kara said, Ryder came out of the office, and looked at them both, "Kara go" Ryder said, "there isn't one close by" Kara said. "If you want a pay cheque this week I suggest you figure it out" Ryder said. She rolled her eyes but went to get a milkshake she needed the money to pay rent. "Making her life difficult I see" Ryder said, "I really wanted a milkshake and she pissed me off today sir" Olivia said. Ryder walked up to her and slapped her, "you will pay for the eye roll later" he said in her ear. Olivia was now convinced he had super powers or something he always knew when she rolled her eyes even when her back was turned.

Kara came back not to long after finding Olivia her milkshake, she practically threw it at her. "Here, anything else?" Kara asked with an annoyed tone, "no, thank you but I guarantee if you ever so much as look at Ryder again you will regret it. I heard everything you said to him, and he is mine so don't forget that" Olivia said with aggression and this made Kara even more annoyed. Olivia walked into Ryders office and he looked up at her, "I suggest not making her out to be an enemy, we don't need that in our life. Since I pay her I don't need her seeking revenge on my fiancée, I would hate to fire her" Ryder said, "please fire her sir" Olivia practically begged, "despite your hate for her she is good at her job and Paul likes her so no. Also after this weekend you will not see her again so why does it matter?" Ryder asked. " I am worried she will end up in Chicago sir, working for you" Olivia said sadly, "kitten she won't, I have Melanie and I happen to like her, trust me no one will ever come between us" Ryder said pulling her towards him and kissing her. "I love you master" Olivia said as she cuddled into his chest, "I love you too but I need one more hour of work, then we can go have fun" Ryder said. "Okay but Lily will be here so not to much fun sir" Olivia said, "I am not worried about Lily, and if you complain then I will punish you more than I already plan too. I brought Parker for a reason and he knows how to distract her" Ryder said. Olivia huffed and Ryder laughed at her, he was going to enjoy tonight very much he had something interesting in mind.

Point of no Return Pleasing my master 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora