Krishna arrived

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Krishna immediately ran in the palace... His face covered with sweat... His heart clenching in worry of his beloved... It took him exact 3 minutes to reach their chamber... Revati was standing outside the chamber...

Krishna: rajkumari... How is radhe now?

Revati: She is screaming in labour pain for past one hour krishna... She is not able to do until now...

Krishna: May I go in?

Revati: One minute, let me ask mata devaki!

Krishna nodded his heads to her words...

Revati went in the chamber...

Revati: mata, krishna has arrived... He wants to come in!!! May I ask him to come in!?

Mata devaki: Ask him to come in immediately... Radha needs him the most now!!

Revati immediately ran out the chamber and called krishna to come in immediately...

Krishna entered the chamber, seeing her screaming in labour pain... His heart broke into pieces seeing her screaming like that...

Mata parvati looked up to see him standing at the door, tears are slowly falling from his eyes seeing his love in pain...

Parvati: bharata... She mumbled slowly...

She indicated krishna to come forward...

Krishna immediately ran to her side, and got hold of her hand... He chest was rising high in pain... And her upper body never left the air...

Krishna: Radhe... Priye...

Radha: Kanha...ah.. You came.. Ahh.. Ah.. I cant kanha... Ah... Its so paining...

Krishna got close to her...

Krishna: Radhe... Priye... You have to do it for our princess dear... Try da... Please...

Radha tried to push, as said my the midwife... Each time when she try to push, she clutched krishna's hand tightly... Her nails rigged in his hand... He cared less... Nothing was so important than radha to him...

Radha: Ah... Aahhh... Ah...

Krishna: Try da... Little... Few minutes... Do it for me da, do it for our princess da... Please...

To be continued...

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SrinivaskiShree kindly read her story, The Lost Love...

You will love it for sure.. 
SrinivaskiShree your punishment is over... And I want you to update the next soon...

Tata bye bye...
Will meet you all with the next part...

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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